Томас Мур
англ. Thomas Moore
р. 28 мая 1779({{padleft:1779|4|0}}-{{padleft:5|2|0}}-{{padleft:28|2|0}}), Дублин
ум. 25 февраля 1852({{padleft:1852|4|0}}-{{padleft:2|2|0}}-{{padleft:25|2|0}}) (72 года), Слопертон-коттедж, Уилтшир
ирландский поэт



Избранные переводы (сборник 1986 г.)

Юношеские стихотворения (Juvenile Poems)


To ....... («Sweet lady, look not thus again …»)

To Julia, Weepping («Oh! if your tears are given to care…»)

Ирландские мелодии (Irish Melodies)


(4) Oh! Breathe Not His Name («Oh! breathe not his name, let it sleep in the shade…»)

(6) «The harp that once through Tara’s halls…»

(11) «As a beam o'er the face of the waters may glow…»

(12) The Meeting of the Waters («There is not in the wide world a valley so sweet…»)

(13) «How dear to me the hour when daylight dies…»

(26) «Oh! blame not the bard…»

(35) The Origin of the Harp («Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee…»)

(36) Love's Young Dream («Oh! the days are gone, when Beauty bright…»)

(49) «At the mid hour of night…»

(51) The Last Rose of Summer («'Tis the last rose of summer…»)

(53) «The minstrel-boy to the war is gone…»

(57) «Oh! doubt me not -- the season…»

(61) «Has sorrow thy young days shaded…»

(67) «Come rest in this bosom…»

(71) «I saw from the beach, when the morning was shining…»

(76) Remember thee!

(78) «Whene'er I see those smiling eyes…»

(86) «Sail on, sail on, thou fearless bark…»

(92) «Oh, banquet not in those shining bowers…»

Мелодии разных народов (National Airs)


(5) Those Evening Bells («Those evening bells! Those evening bells!..»)

(10) «Oh, come to me when daylight sets…»

(21) Joys Of Youth, How Fleeting! («Whisperings, heard by wakeful maids…»)

(33) «Peace to the slumberers!..»

(42) «Oft, when the watching stars grow pale…»

(50) «No — leave my heart to rest, if rest it may…»

Священные песни (Sacred Songs)


(13) «Come not, o Lord!…»

Set of Glees


(4) The Evening Gun («Remember’st thou that setting sun…»), 1829

Ballads, Songs, etc.


(1) «To day, dearest, is ours…»

(55) «Wake up, sweet melody!…»

Сказки о Священном Союзе (Fables for the Holy Alliance)


VI. The Little Grand Lama

VII. The Extinguishers

Lalla Rookh


Paradise and the Peri

The Light of the Haram






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