Ботанический словарь (Анненков)/Английские названия растений/ДО
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Источникъ: Николай Ивановичъ Анненковъ. Ботаническій словарь. — СПб.: Имп. Академія наукъ, 1878. — С. 602—621. |
Abel Tree 267.
Achee-Tree-Ash = Fraxinus xanthoxyloides. Acom = Dentaria bulbifera. Acridstone Crop. 324. Adam's Flannel 374. Adam's Needle = Jucca. Adder's Tongue 232, 282. Adder's Wort 264. Adrue = Cyperus articulatus.
African Almond = Brabejum. African Bladder-nut = Royena. African Broom = Aspalathus. African Chickweed = Mollugo. African Lily 12. African Marigold 347 и Tagetes patula. African Oak = Laurus bullata. African Pepper = Xylopia. African Tea Tree = Lycium afrum.
Agria Common = Ilex Aquifolium. Agrimony 16, 17.
Air-Plant = Aerites.
Akee = B1ighia. Akee Tree = Cupania Sapida.
Alder 24, 25, 294. Alder Tree 24. Ale-cost 348. Ale-hoof 159. Alexander 333. Alisander = Smyrnium Olusatrum. Alive in the Hand 175. All-bon 343. Allgood 95. All-heal 33. Alligator Pear = Persea. All Saint's Wort 172. Allseed 262. Allespice 222. Allspice Tree 222. Almond, Almond-Tree 29; Common, dwart, Shrubby 29. Aloe 25, 25; american 16. Aloe-Wood = Cordia Sebestena. Alsike-Clover 358. Alum-Root = Heuchera americana.
Amadou 266. Amaranth 27; Globe Amaranth = Gomphrena. Amber-Tree = Anthospernum и Liquidambar. Ambrose 95, 95, Ambrosia 27. Amel-Corn 361. American Cedar = Thuja occidentalis. American Gooseberry = Heterotrichum patens. American Nutmeg = Anona myristica. American Oat-rice = Zizania. American Red Bell-flower = Ipomaea Quamoclit. Ameos 28. Ames 253.
Anchovy Pear = Grias. Andaman Redwood = Pterocarpus. St. Andrew's Cross = Ascyrum Crux Andreae. Anemone 34. Anet Dill Seed 36. Angeleen Tree 32. Angola Pea = Cytisus Cajanns. Anil-lndigo Plant = Indigofera Anil Anise 175; (Common chinese, True stellated 175).
Apple-Berry = Billardiera. Apples gold 202. Apple of Perou 123. Apple of Sodom = Solanum Sodomaeum. Apple Tree 282. Apricot Tree 45.
Arach 58. Arabian Jasmine = Nyctanthes. Arbor Vitae 66, 354. Archangel red 342; white 184; yellow 150. Archangelica red 342. Argentina = Potentilla anserina. Arnotta = Bixa. Arrow Grass 361. Arrow-Head 308. Arrow-Root = Maranta. Arsmart 265. Artichoke wild 163. Arum 50, 50.
Asarabacca 51, 51, 176. Ash 147; black 224. Ash Tree 147. Ash-Weed 11. Ascalon Garlic 22. Asp 268. Aspen 268. Assam Tea = Thea Assamensis. Astmary 348. Austrian Sneezewort 384. Autumn Bells 155.
Ava Pepper = Piper latifolium. Avens 129, 157. Avocado Pear = Persea.
Awlwort = Subularia.
Azarol Thorn 112.
Babool Tree 2. Bachelors Button 79, 200, 319; wild 79. Badger's Bane = Aconitum Meloctonium. Badinjan 334. Bahama Grass = Cynodon. Bairn-worts 62. Baldmoney 217. Ballocks-Grass 233. Balm 213; american 253; common 213. Balm of Gilead Fir 253. Balm-Gentle = Melissa officinalis. Balm Tree = Fagara. Balsam-Apple 218. Balsam 175, 175. Balsam Fig = Clusia rosea. Balsam Fir 253. Balsam Herb = Dianthera repens. Balsam Pear 218. Balsam Tree = Clusia. Balsamine 176. Bamboo cane 61. Bane Berry 9. Bane-wort 291. Banian-Tree = Musa paradisiaca. Bank-cress 231. Bannut Tree = Juglans. Banyan Tree = Ficus religiosa. Barbadoes Cedar = Juniperus barbadensis. Barbadoes cherry = Malpighia. Barbadoes pride = Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Barbary 202. St. Barbara cress 61. Barberry 63. Bare-Bind 107. Bark Tree Peruvian = Cinchona. Barley 169. Barnet 272. Barnet saxifrage 251, 252. Barren-privet = Sempervivum tectorum. Barren-wort 133. Bartram = Selinum sylvestre. Barwood 278. Base-Broom 154. Base-Rocket 292. Base-Tree 121. Basil 76, 229; (Field, store, wild 76); common, sweet 229. Basket-Hoop = Croton lucidum. Basket-White = Tournefortia scandens. Bassinets Brave 79. Bastard Acacia 299. Bastard Acorus 178. Bastard Alkanet 196. Bastard Balm 213. Bastard Cabbage Tree = Geoffroya. Bastard Cedar = Cedrella odorata и Guazuma. Bastard Cherry = Ehretia tinifolia. Bastard Cress 353. Bastard Dittany 126. Bastard Flowerfence = Adenanthera Pavonina. Bastard Green-heart = Calyptranthes Chytraculia. Bastard Hawkweed = Crepis. Bastard Hellebore = Arethusa. Bastard Hemp-agrimony = Ageratum conyzoides. Bastard Indigo 29. Bastard Ipecacuanha 52. Bastard Iron-wood = Fagara lentiscifolia. Bastard Jasmine = Cestrum. Bastard Longwood = Acacia Berteriana. Bastard Narcissus = Narcissus Pseudonarcissus. Bastard Nightshade = Rivina. Bastard Orpine 32. Bastard Parsley 88. Bastard Pimpernell 91. Bastard Plantain = Heliconia. Bastard Rhubarb = Rumex alpinus. Bastard Saffron 87. Bastard Senna = Colutea. Bastard Star of Bethlehem = Albuca. Bastard Sund flower = Inula Helenium. Bastard Toad-Flax 353. Bastard Vetch 247. Bastigas = Isatis megacarpaea. Batatas Jams = Dioscorea Batatas. Batschelor's Button = Gomphrena. Battle-door-Barley = Hordeum Zeocriton. Bayberry Tree = Pimenta acris. Bay-Loblobby = Laplacea haematoxylon. Bay Tree 188. Bast-Tree 355.
Bead-Tree 211, 212 и Ormosia. Beaked-Nut = Corylus rostrata. Beak-Rush 297. Beam-Tree 336. Bean 224, 248, 379. Bean-Buck 215. Bean Caper 386. Bean-Clover 31. Bean-Trefoil 31, 120. Bean-Tree = Counarus и Erythrina. Bean-Tressel 316. Bear-Berry 43. Bear-Bind 107, 108. Bear-Grape 43. Beard-Grass 33. Bear's Breech 3, 165. Bear's-Ear 272. Bear's Ear Sanicle 110. Bear's-Foot = Helleborus fetidus. Bear's-Garlick 24. Bear's-Paw = Arctopus. Bear's wort 166, 217. Beaver-Tree 206. Beaver-Wood 206. Beccabunga 376. Bec-nettle 151. Bed-straw 151, 151, 153. Bedstraw our Lady's 163, 153. Beech 143; dutch 267. Bee-flower = Ophrys apifera. Bee-larkspur = Delphinium elatum. Beef-apple 3. Beef-wood = Casuarina. Bee's nest carrot 123. Beet-rave 63 (Beta). Beet red 64. Beet-root 63. Beggar's Lice 151. Bell = Campanula. Belladonna 69. Belladonna Lily = Amaryllis Belladonna. Bell-Flower 79, 177. Belly Ache Bush = Jatropha staphyfragifolia. Belvidere = Kochia Scoparia. Ben 336. Bengal Quince 11. Benjamin Tree = Laurus Benzoin. Bennet 157. Bennut = Moringa pterygospermo. Bent common 18. Bentgrass 17, 28, 51. Benzoin 62. Berberry 62. Bergamot-Pea-Tree = Pyrus Bergamotia. Bermuda-Cedar = Juniperus Bermudiaha. Bermuda-Flag = Sisyrinchium. Bertram 286. Bertram-Tree = Xanthoxylon clava Herculis. Betlenut (Betelnut) 44. Betle Pepper 174. Betony 64. Berry Alder 294. Berries, yellow 294. Betony 64, 322.
Bhuchampac = Kaempferia rotunda.
Biakon-Weed = Chenopodium. Bichy = Cola acuminata. Bifoil 232. Big 169. Big-Buckeye 12. Big-Laurel 206. Bigold 97. Bilberry 371, 372. Bindweed 107; black 264. Bindwhit 103. Birch 64, 65, 86. Birch-Tree 65. Bird's Beard 324. Bird Cherry 274. Bird Cherry Tree 276. Bird's Eye 70, 272, 377. Bird's Eye Mapple 4. Bird's Foot 199. Bird's Foot-Trefoil 199. Birdgrass 261. Bird's Knotgrass = Polygonum aviculare. Bird's Nest 225; yellow 218. Bird's Tares 379. Bird's Tongue 263. Birthwort 44, 110; sarracens 45; snake-root 45. Bishop-Grass 261. Bishop's leaved Brownwort 322. Bishop's weed 28. Bishop's wort 227. Bistort 264. Bitch wood = Lonchocarpus latifolius. Bitter-Apple 115. Bitter-Colocynth 115. Bitter-Cucumber 115. Bitter-Cup 289. Bitter Gourd 115. Bitter-Oak 288. Bitter-Sweet 334. Bitter Vetch 136, 236. Bitter's weet 89. Bitter-Wood = Quassia. Bitter-Wort 164 и Xylopia.
Black Alder-Tree = Rhamnus Frangula. Black-Ash 224. Blackberry 276, 304. Black Bindweed 264, 348. Black Bryony 348. Black Christ Hellebore 164. Black Currant 298. Black Fir = Pinus austriaca. Black Guava — Guettardia argentea. Black Horehound 61. Black Lance-wood = Tournefortia laurifolia. Black Pepper = Piper nigrum. Black Pine 254. Black Poplar = Populus nigra. Black Sage = Cordia cylindrostachya. Black Seed 210. Black Softwood = Myrsine laeta. Black Turnip 190. Black Thorn = Prunus spinosa. Black Varnish-Tree = Melanorhaea usitatissima. Black-Wild Service-berry = Prunus Padus. Blackwood 2. Black-wood Fir = Pinus canadensis. Bladder Campion 330. Bladder Companion 114. Bladder Ketmia = Hibyscus Trionum. Bladder Nut 342; Tree 342. Bladder-Seed 193. Bladder-Senna 104. Bladder-snout 370. Bladder-Wort 370. Bladder-Wrack = Fucus vesiculosa. Blaver 90. Blawort 90. Blazing Star = Helonias. Bleaberry 371. Bleeding-heart = Cheiranthus. Blessed Thistle = benedictus. Blessei-Herb 157. Blew-blow 90. Blite 66, 66, 95. Blood-dock 156. Blood-Flower 52. Blood-root 271. Blood-strange 220. Bloody-rod = Cornus sanguinea. Bloody-twig = Cornus sanguinea. Bloody warrior 93. Blood-wood = Laplacea Haematoxylon. Blood-wort 315. Blow-Ball 350. Blue African Lily = Agapanthus. Blue Bell (scottish) 80. Blue Bonnet 90. Blue Bottle 90, 138. Blue Cap 318, 319. Blue Daisy = Globularia vulgaris. Blue Flower de luce 178. Blue-Grass 261. Blue Gum-Tree 138. Blue Moorgrass 328. Blue Plant 327.
Bog Asphodel = Narthecium. Bog-Bean 215. Bog-Berry 237. Bog Bleaberry 371. Bog Featherfoil 170. Bog-Moss 338. Bog-Myrtle 221. Bog-Orchis = Malaxis paludosa. Bog-Rush 319. Bog-violet 252. Bog-Whortleberry 371. Bog-wort 237. Bolewort 28. Bollemong 143. Bombast Mahoe = Ochroma lagopus. Bombay-Hemp 166. Bonavist = Dolichos Lablab. Bone-flower = Globularia vulgaris. Bone-Seed = Osteospermum. Bone-Set = Eupatorium perforatum. Boodle 96, 97. Borage 68, 68. Borecole = Brassica oleracea capitata sabauda. Bore-tree 314. Bor-Spinks 84. Botany-Bay Willow = Metrosideros. Botrys-Hyacinth = Muscari botryoides. Bottle 330; Brush 134. Bottle Gourd 116. Bourbon Palm = Latania. Bour-Tree 314. Box Elder 224. Box Holly 306. Box-Thorn 202, 293. Box-Tree 74. Boxweed 56. Box-wood = Vitex umbrosa. Brake 278. Bramble 302, 303, 304; stone 304. Branched Spurge 84. Brandy bottle 228. Brank 143. Brank-ursine 3. Brauncress 224. Brasiletta = Caesalpinia. Brazilian Rosewood = Jacaranda. Brazil Nut 63. Bread Fruit-Tree 60. Bread Nut-Tree = Brosimum. Bread-Root 277. Bread-Tree = Adansonia. Break-axe = Sloanea Jamaicaensis. Breakstone 20, 252. Bridewort 340. Brier 302. Brimstone-wort 246. Bringall 334. Bristle-Fern 56. Bristle-Grass 328. Bristol-Flower 200. Broad-Leaf-tree = Terminalia latifolia. Brocoli 70. Brome-grass 71, 71. Brompton-Stock = Matthiola incana coccinea. Brook-Mint 215. Brook-weed 314. Broom 108, 153, 169, 367. Broom-Bindwind 108. Broom Spanish 337, 338. Broom-Bush = Parthenium hysterophorum. Broom Corn 169, 169. Broom Cytisus = Cytisus spinosus. Broom-Pine 253. Broom-Rape 186, 235. Brown-Jolly 334. Brownwort 274, 322. Bruise-root 158. Bruise-wort 62, 316. Brussel' sprouts 70. Bryony 71, 72.
Bucephalon = Trophis. Buccoon = Sanguinaria. Buck-Bean 215, 216. Buckeye 12; large, smale, sweet 12. Bucks-Beard 356. Buck's horn = Cochlearia и Cotula coronopifolia. Buck's horn cresses = Cochlearia. Buck's-Horn tree = Rhus glabra. Buck Horn 293. Buckler's Mustard = Biscutella. Buck's rams 24. Buck-rampe 50. Buckthorn 168, 293; black or Berry-bearing 294. Buck-weed 205. Buckwheat 143. Buckwheat Tree = Mylocaryum. Bucranion 40. Buddle 97. Buffalo Grass = Sessleria dactyloides. Buffoon orchis 234. Bug-Agaric 14. Bugbane = Cimicifuga (Actaea). Bugle 18, 19. Bugle-weed 204. Bugloss 31, 32; Vipers 130. Bugwort 9. Bullace-Plum 275. Bull-Fist 202. Bull's-Foot 366. Bull-Hoof = Passiflora Murucuja. Bull-Sand-cows 50. Bull-segg 367. Bull-weed 90. Bull wort 28, 322. Bully Tree = Chrysophyllum и Dipholis. Bulrush 319. Bunkin 45. Bunny-mouth 40. Bur 185. Bur-bark = Triumfetta semitriloba. Bur-clower 210. Burdock. Burredock 185, 384, 384, 384. Burgundy-Pitch 255. Bur-Marigold 65. Burn Onion = Allium Cepa aggregatum. Burnet 272, 272, 314, 315. Burnet saxifrage = Pimpinella magna et Saxifraga. Bur-flag 337. Bur-Parsley 88. Bur-Reed 337. Bur Thistle 100, 185. Bur Tree = Sambucus. Bur-weed 384. Burning Thorny-Plant 139. Burnwood of Negroes = Rhus Metopium. Burrgrass = Panicum verticillatum. Burstwort 166. Bush-Apple-Tree = Achras Sapota rugosa. Butcher's Broom 306. Butter-Bur 246 и Tussilago alba. Butter-Bur Colts Fool 246. Butter-Cup 289. Butter-Dock 306. Butter-Flower 289. Butter-Jags 199. Butter-Nut-Tree 180. Butterfly Orchis = Orchis papilionacea. Butterfly Plant 260. Butter-tree = Bassia butyracea. Butterwort 252. Button = Conyza. Button-Bush = Cephalanthus. Button-Flower =Gompheia. Button-Tree 260 и Conocarpus. Button-weed 260. Button-wood = Cephalanthus. Bux-Thorn 201.
Byssus 74.
Cabbage 68, 69, 112; Spilanthe 338. Cabbage-Backstree 32. Cabbage-Palm 43. Cabbage-Tree 32, 43, 74. Cabbage wood 32, 193. Cabaric 51. Cacoons = Entada scandens. Cainca-Root 96. Cakile 75. Calabash-Tree = Crescentia. Calabura = Muntingia calabura. Calalee 261. Calambac-Tree 42. Calamint 76. Calamus 76. Calavance = Dolichos sphaerospermus. Cale 69. Calf's Snout 40. Calf's foot 50. Calico Bush = Kalmia latifolia. Californian Nutmeg = Torreja myristica. Calla 77. Callock 331. Caltrap 357. Caltrops 356, 357. Calves' snout 40. Camel Alhagi = Alhagi camelorum. Camel's hay 33. Cammock 231. Camomile см. Chamomile. Campana = Anemone Pulsatilla. Campechy-Long-wood 162. Camphora = Camphora offic., Cinnamomum Camphoratum, Dryobalanops. Camphor-tree = Camphora, Dryobalanops и Laurus Camphora. Campion 114, 200, 330. Canada birch и Canadian birch-tree 65 и Betula fruticosa. Canadian fir-tree = Pinus (Abies) canadensis. Canary Grass 247. Canary tree = Boswellia. Canary-weed 300. Candelaria 374. Candleberry Myrtle 220. Candle-wood 30 и Sciodaphyllum capitatum. Candock 228. Candy Carrot = Athamanta cervaria. Candy Lion's foot = Catasetum. Candy Mustard 174. Candy Tuft 174. Cane 8. Cane piece = Cassia glandulosa. Canker 66. Canker-berry = Solanum Bahamense. Cannon-Ball-Tree = Couroupita guinensis. Canterbury Bell. 81. Caoutchouc Vine = Urceola. Caper-bush 82. Caper-plant 82, 140. Caper-tree 82. Caper-spurge 140. Capon's Feather 42. Capon's Tail 372. Capon's Tailgrass = Festuca Myurus. Caragana 83. Caraway. Carraway 87. Cardinal's Flower = Lobelia Cardinalis. Cardoon 119 и Cynara cardunculus. Carline-Thistle 86. Carlock 331. Caration Pink 125. Carnation-tree 74. Carob-Bean 92. Carob tree 92, 92. Carpenter's Herb 274. Carpy 86. Carraghen Moss 96. Carrion Flower = Stapelia. Carrot 123. Carthaginian Apple 279, 280. Cassarilla-bark 113. Case weed 82. Cashew-tree 30. Cashoo-nut-tree 44. Cashaw = Prosopis. Cassada и Cassava Tapioca = Jatropha Manihot. Cassava wood = Turpinia occidental. Casse-weed 82. Cassia 88. Cassidony 160. Cass-weed 82. Castor-oil-Plant 299. Casumunar = Zingiber Casumunar. Cat common 226. Catappan-tree = Terminalis Catappa. St. Catharine's Flower 227. Cataway 87. Catchfly 200, 201, 329, 330. Catchweed 151. Catechu 44; black catechu 2. Caterpillar = Scorpiurus. Cat-Mint 225. Cat-Mint Nep. 225. Cat's Ear 6, 173. Cat's Foot 38, 159. Cat's Milk 140. Cat's Tail 366, 367. Cat's Tailgrass 249. Cattail-Flag 320. Cat-Thyme = Teucrium Marum. Cauliflower 70.
Cedar. Cedar of Lebanon 253. Celandine или Celendine 94, 94; lesser 144. Celery 41. Cembra Fir. Cembran Pine 253. Centaury 89, 96. Centinody(e) 263. Centory 89. Ceramble = Cerasus Caproniana pallescens. Cevadilla 374. Ceylon Beau Tree = Connarus. Ceylon Cornel-Tree = Memecylon. Ceylon Sumach = Connarus.
Chaff-Flower. Chaff-weed 91. Chamomile 38, 38, 209. Champignon = Agarius campestris. Changeable Rose = Hibiscus mutabilis. Charlock 292, 331. Chariot 22. Chaste Lambtree 383. Chaste Mimosa = Mimosa pudica. Chaste-tree 383. Chaste-weed 38. Chaw-stick = Gouania. Ché = Oldenlandia umbellata. Checker(ed) Lily 148. Cheese-Rennet 151. Cheese 153. Cheet 79. Cherry 274, 275, 276. Cherry Laurel 276. Cherry tree 274, 275, 276. Chervil 39, 40, 93. Chess-apple = Crataegus (Pyrus) Aria. Chestnut 88. Chest-oak. Chestnut-oak = Quercus Prinos. Chian Pepper 82. Chiches 97. Chickasaw Plum = Cerasus Chicasa. Chicken Panic-gras 239. Chickling Vetch 187. Chick Pea 97, 97. Chick-Root 269. Chick-Stones. Chick-weed 169, 218 и Alsine, Arenaria rubra, Holosteum и Trientalis europaea. Chicory 98. Chily Pepper 82. China-Aster 66. China-Fir = Cunninghamia. China Grass 66. China-Pink = Dianthus chinensis. China-Root 333. China-Wythe = Smilax Balbisiana. Chinese Air-plant = Renanthera coccinea. Chinese Anise 175. Chinese Apple = Pyrus spectabilis. Chinese Corn = Panicum italicum. Chinese Moxa = Artemisia judaica, Art. chinensis. Chinese Rose = Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Chiwes 23. Chocolat-Tree 353. Choko = Sechium. Christmas Hulst 174. Christmas Pride = Ruellia paniculata. Christ's Eye = Inulus Oculus Christi. Christ's Ladder 138. Christ's Thorn 239, 386. Churn-staff 140.
Cicely 40, 319. Cichory 98. Ciderage 265. Cinnamon Apple 37. Cinnamon bark 99. Cinnamon Rose = Rosa cinnamomea. Cinnamon wood 316. Cinquefoil 105, 269. Cipre = Cordia gerascanthoides. Citrul = Citrullus, Cucumis citrullus. Cives 23. Civet-tree = Durio zibethinus.
Clammy Cherry = Cordia Colococca. Clammy Cerastium 92. Clary 312, 313. Cleavers 151. Climber 103. Climbing 151. Climbing Nightshade = Basella 71. Climbing Sorrel = Begonia scandens. Climbing Staff Tree 89. Climbing Vine = Psychotria parasitica. Clog-weed 165. Close sciences 166. Clot-bur 185, 292. Clot-weed 384. Cloud berry 303. Clove 87. Cloven Berry-bush = Samyda serrulata. Clove Gilliflower 125. Clove Pink 125. Clove Strip = Jussieua repens. Clove-Tree 87. Clover 357, 358, 359, 360. Clower-Flower 360. Clown's all-heal 341. Clown's Lungwort 186. Club-Moss 203. Club-Palm = Cordyline. Club-rush 131, 319, 320. Club-top = Clavaria. Cluster wild Pine 255.
Cobweb = Ophrys arachnites. Coccomilla = Prunus Coccomilla. Cockle 197. Cockles 103. Cockle-weed 201. Cock's comb 89, 89, 231, 296. Cock's comb-grass 120. Cock's foot 121, 239. Cock's foot-grass 122. Cock's head 231. Cockspur = Aristolochia rotunda, Mespilus Crus-galli, Ranunculus bulbosus и Pisonia aculeata. Cockspur Pepper 83. Cockweed = Pimpinella saxifraga. Cocoa-Nut-Tree = Cocos. Cocoa Plum = Chrysobalanus. Cocoa Tree = Theobroma. Coco-weed Inga. Coffea-tree 104, 161. Cogwood-Tree = Laurus Chloroxylon. Cohune-nut = Attalea Cohune. Col 109. Cole 69. Colic-Wort 69. Colocynth 115. Colt's-Foot 51, 365, 366. Columba = Cocculus palmatus. Columbine 42, 42. Comfrey 345. Common Dulse = Halymenia. Common Sage 312. Common Thrift 46. Congo-Mahoe = Hibiscus clypeatus. Consound 19, 345, 346, Consound of Sarracens 335. Contrayerva-Root 44. Convallary 105. Conval-Lily 106. Coolt's foot 365; alpine 74. Coop weed = Centaurea nigrescens. Copaiva-tree = Copaifera officinalis. Coratoe = Agave. Coral-orchis = Corallorhiza. Coral-tree. Coral-wood = Erythrina Corallodendron. Coral-wort 124. Coriar's Sumach 296. Cork oak. Cork-Tree 289. Cork-wood = Ochroma Lagopus. Corn common 241. Corn Basil = Thymus Acinos. Corn Bellflower = Viola campestris. Cornberries 237. Corn-Campion 201. Corn Cockle 201. Corn Fevefew 209. Corn-Flag 158, 178. Corn-Flower 90. Corn-Grass 17. Corn-Marigold 97. Corn-Rose-Companion 201. Corn-Panic-Grass = Panicum frumentaceum. Corn-Pimpernell 31. Corn-Poppy 241. Corn-Salad 373. Cornel 109, 110. Cornellian Cherry Tree 109. Coromantee Drummwood = Turpinia occidentalis. Corone-Cherry 274. Cost-mary 348. Cotgrave 95. Cotton-Mullein = Verbascum gossypinum. Cotton-Rose 145. Cottons-Grass 136. Cotton Thistle 232. Cotton-Tree 160, 260, 268. Cotton-weed 145, 160. Couch-Grass 362. Couch-wheat 362. Cough-wort 366. Couhage-cherry = Malpighia urens. Courgourde 116. Coventry-bell 81. Coventry Rapes 80. Cow-bane 98. Cow-berry 372. Cowdie Pine = Dammara australis. Cowflop 126. Cowgrass 359. Cowhage 219. Cow Herb 316. Cow Itch 219. Cow Itch-cherry = Malpighia urens. Cow Plant = Gymnema. Cow Parsley 40. Cow Parsnip 165, 165. Cow-Quake 70. Cow Quaquin-Grass 70. Cowrie Pine = Dammara australis. Cow Slip = Dodecatheon. True Cow-slip = Primula elatior. Cow-Tree 149. Cow's Lip (Lap, Lop) 272, 273; french, mountain, true 272; Jerusalem 279. Cow's Lungwort 374. Cow's Quakes 338. Cowweed 40. Cowwheat 141, 211.
Crab-grass 17, 308. Crab-wood = Carapa guianensis. Cracca 379. Crack Willow 310. Cracke berry 132. Crambling Rocket 331. Cranberry 237. Crane's Bill 136, 155. Crappe 197. Creping Bent 17. Creeping Loosestrife 205. Creeping Soft-grass 169. Cress 174 и Lepidium. Cress-Rocket = Vella. Crest-Marine = Crithmum maritinum. Crickweed 343. Crinum Lily = Crinum. Crom-Foot 34. Crook-Neck 116. Cross-Flower 263. Cross of Jerusalem 200. Crosswort 152, 154 и Crucianella. Crow berry 132. Crow-Flower 201, 290. Crow-foot 289, 290, 291 и Ranunc. bulbosus. Crown-Palm = Maximiliana Caribaea. Crown-Pea = Pisum sativum umbellatum. Crown vetch 110. Crow's foot = Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum. Crow Silk = Conferva. Crow-Toe = Astragalus. Crystalline 216.
Cuba Vanilla = Critonia. Cubeba. Cubeb Pepper 257. Cuckold 185. Cuckoo Bread 83, 237. Cuckoo Flower 84, 201, 233. Cuckoo Gilliflower 201. Cuckoo-Meat 237. Cuckoo-Pint 50. Cuckoo-Pintel 50. Cuckoo-Sorrel = Oxalis Acetosella. Cuckoo-Thistle 84. Cucumber 114, 115, 329. Cucumber Three 206 и Magnolia acuminata. Cudweed 160. Cudwort 160. Culilaban Tree = Laurus Culilavan. Cullions 233. Culrage 265. Culverage = Polygonum hydropiper. Culverkey 42, 234. Culwer-wort 42. Cumin 117. Cup (Cob) 289, 290, 291. Cup-Mushroom 247. Cup-Poppy 241. Cup-Rose = Papaver Rhoeas. Curagua = Zea Curagua. Curasson red Head 52. Curled Thistle = Cirsium. Currant 297, 298, 299 (black, common, red). Currant Tree = Jacquinia armillaris. Cursed Thistle (Serratula) = Cirsium arvense. Custard-Apple 37, 37. Cutch 2. Cutfinger 373. Cutting-grass = Scleria Flagellum.
Cymling 117. Cyperus 120. Cypress-field 18. Cypress-grass 120. Cypress-moos = Lycopodium alpinum. Cypress-Poplar 268. Cypress-Spurge — Euphorbia cyparissias. Cypress-Tree 177. Cypress-Vine 177.
Daisy 62, 97. Damasc violet 166. Dame's violet 166. Dame's wort 166 = Hesperis matronalis. Damson 275. Damson Plum = Chrysophyllum oliviferum. Dandelion 190, 350. Danes blood. Dane-wort 313. Darrel (Da(e)rnel) 197, 197. Dart-Grass = Holcus. Date-Palm 250. Date Plum 127. Dauke 123. David's Root = Chiococca racemosa. Day Flower = Commelina. Day Lily 164. Day and Night 241.
Deadly Carrot = Thapsia. Deadly Night-shade 59. Deadly wale 59 и Acnistus arborescens. Deadman's Finger 233. Dead Nettle 150, 151, 184. Death's Herb Dwale 59. Deafblind Nettle 184. Deciduous Cypress = Taxodium. Deers-Hair 319. Delt Orach 59. Deodar Ceder 254. Devil in the Bush 227. Devil's Bit 319. Devil's Egg = Phallus impudicus. Devil's Guts 118. Dew-Berry 303. Dew-Grass 122.
Dill 36. Disy 97. Ditch-Bur 384. Dittander 191. Dittany 126, 191. Dittany ol Crete. Divideri = Coulteria tinctoria.
Dock 304, 306. Dock-Cresses 185. Doctor's Gum 297. Dodder of thym 118. Dogger-Plant = Jucca aloifolia. Dog-Berry-Tree 110. Dog Chamomile 209. Dog Fennel 209. Dog-Grass 362. Dog-Rose = Rosa canina. Dog's Bane 41. Dog's Chamomile 209. Dog's Cole 216. Dog's Mercury 216. Dog's Orach 95. Dog's Poison 12. Dog's Rose 301. Dog's Tailgrass 120. Dog's Tongue 119. Dog's Tooth-Violet 138. Dog's Union = Gagea lutea. Dogwood 109, 110, 142. Dogwood-Tree 109. Dollee-Wood = Myristica surinamensis. Domestic Plum Tree 275. Dominica-Oak = Ilex. Doob-grass 119. Doom. Double Dame's violet и Doublet Rocket = Hesperis tristis. Doum = Hyphaena thebaica 173. Dove Flower = Peristeria. Dove Plant = Peristeria elata. Dove's Foot = Geranium Robertianum. Dove Weed = Euphorbia serpyllifolia. Down Moss 74. Down-Tree = Ochroma Lagopus. Downy Sow Thistle = Andryala.
Dragon-Arum 50. Dragon's Blood (red 128). Dragon's Head 128. Dragon's Leaf = Dracophyllum. Dragon's Wort = Dracontium. Dragon's Tree = Pterocarpus Draco. Draper's Thistle 127. Dropwater = Oenanthe. Drop-Wort 229, 339. Drumwood = Turpinia occidentalis. Dryflower 384.
Duck-bill-wheat = Triticum turgidum. Duck's Foot = Podophyllum. Duck's Meat 190. Duck-weed 190. Dulse = Halimenia. Dutch Agrimony 139. Dutch-berried Gale = Myrica Gale. Dutch-Clover 360. Dutchmann's Pipe 45. Dutch-Myrtle 32, 221. Dutch-Rush 124.
Dwarf Moss = Grimmia. Dwarf Sumach = Rhus pumila. Dwarfish Bean 247. Dwarf Sunflower = Rudbeckia laciniata.
Dye Plant 66. Dyer's Alkauna = Anchusa tinctoria. Dyer's Anthemis 38. Dyer's Bugloss = Anchusa tinctoria. Dyer's Genista 154. Dyer's Green-weed 154. Dyer's Oak 289. Dyer's Rocket 292. Dyer's Saffron 87. Dyer's weed 292. Dyer's wood 179.
Eagle-Flower 175. Earth-Chestnut 87. Earth-Gall 138. Earth-Moss 203, 247. Earth-Nut 42, 73, 87. Earth Smoke 149. East-Indian Ebony 122. East-Indian Ginger plant = Globba. East-Indian Lime-tree = Elaeocarpus ganitrus. East-Indian Tree = Feronia.
Ebony-Tree = Ebenus.
Eddoe = Colocasia esculenta.
Egg-Plant 334. Eglantine = Rosa. Egyptian Lotus = Nymphaea Lotus. Egyptian Millet 337. Egyptian Thorn 2.
Elder-Tree 313, 314. Elecampane 177. Elemi 30. Elephant's Foot. Elephantusia = Elephanthopus, Testudinaria Elephantipes. Eleven o clock Lady 235. Elfdock 177. Elknut = Hamiltonia. Elm 367, 368.
Enchanter's Nightschade 99, 99. Endive 98.
Equestrian star = Hippeastrum.
Ergot of Rye 320. Ernut 87. Ers 136. Eryngo 137.
Eschallot. — All. Schoenoprasum.
Ettow = Cordia speciosa (Sebestena).
Euphrasy 141.
Evening Flower = Hesperantha. Evening Primrose = Oenothera. Evergreen 74, 325, 380. Evergreen Bush = Crataegus transylvanica. Evergreen Oak 288. Evergreen Thorn 113 = Crataegus transylvanica. Everlasting = Gnaphalium; Flower 164; Goldlylocks 160; Mountain 160. Everlasting Pea = Lathyrus.
Eye-Bright 141.
Fair child's mule = Dianthus Armeria. Fair-Maids of February 150. Fairy-Flax 195. Fallen-stars 227. False China = Smilax-Pseudo-China. False Hog-gum = Rhus Metopium. Fan-Palm = Corypha и Sabal. Farfara 366. Fat Hen 59.
Feaberry 298. Fealbroom = Astragalus. Feather-Few 280. Feather Grass 344. Feather Moss 173. Fedder-few 280. Felonwort 334. Felwort 138. Female Cornel 110. Female-Horsetail 168. Fenberries 237. Fennel 36, 146. Fennel Flower 226, 227. Fen-Rue 352. Fenugreek 361, 361. Fern femal 278. Fescue. Fescue Grass 144. Feverfew 209, 280. Fever-Root = Triosteum. Fever Sumach = Rhus typhina. Fever wort 137 и Triosteum.
Fiddle wood = Citharexylum. Field Agaric = Agaricus campestris. Field Anthemis 38. Field Basil = Monarda и Ziziphora. Field Elm = Ulmus campestris. Field Madder = Sherardia. Fig Marigold 216 и Chrysanthemum edule. Fig-Tree 145. Fig-wort 144, 322. Filbert = Corylus Avellana. Filmy Fern = Hymenophyllum. Fingerfern = Asplenium и Comarum. Fingergrass 240, 271. Fiorin 17. Fir = Abies. Fir Hydnum = Hydnum auriscalpium. Fir-Moss 204. Fir-Tree 253. Fire-Burn-Leaf = Sapindus. Fire Tree = Nuytsia. Fish poison = Tephrosia Toxicaria. Fistballs 202. Fitweed = Eryngium foetidum. Five-leaf 271.
Flagellily = Antholyza. Flame-Lily = Pyrolyrion. Flat-Pea = Platylobium. Flaw-Flower 35. Flax 195, 196. Flax Frequenter 118. Flax-Lily = Phormium tenax. Flax-Star = Lysimachia Linum stellatum. Fleabane 108, 135, 176. Flea-wort 176. Flix-weed 332. Float-Grass 25, 159. Floatig Meadow Grass 159. Floramor. Florimor 27. Flos Adonis = Adonis automnalis. Flote-grass 25, 159. Flower Fence = Poinciana. Flower-amour = Amaranthus. Flower of Constantinople 200. Flower-gentle 27 и Amaranthus Blitum. Flower de luce 178. Flowering Ash 147. Flowering Fern 236. Flowering Reed 81. Flowering Rush 73, 74. Flowering Spurge 122. Flower of Jove = Lychnis Flos Jovis. Flowerpride = Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Flux-Weed 332. Fly bane 14, 329. Fly Woodbine 198. Fly wort = Myanthus или Catasetum barbatum.
Fool's Parsley 12. Fore bitten More 319. Forget my not 220. Forked Fern = Aerostichum. Four leaved Grass 242. Four o clock Flower = Mirabilis dichotoma. Fowl Cherry 276. Fowler's Mountain Ash 336. Fowler's Pear = Pyrus Aucuparia. Fowler's Service-Tree 336. Fox glowe 126, 251. Fox-grape = Vitis Labrusca. Foxtail или Foxtail grass 25, 26. Fragrant Pea 187. Fraxinella 126. French Bean 248. French Cotton-Tree = Gossypium hirsutum. French Cotton-Rose = Filago gallica. French Grass 231. French Jasmine = Calotropis procera. French Marigold 347. French Honeysuckle = Onobrychis sativa. French Oak = Bucida Aceras. French Raygrass 47. French Sorrel 306. French Weed = Commelina Cayennensis. French Willow 133. French Wheat 211. Friar's Cap 8. Friar's Cowl 44. Fringe-Tree 96. Fritillary 148. Frogbit 171. Frog-Cheese 202. Frog-Grass = Salsola. Trog Lettuce 269. Frost-Blite 95.
Fulham Barley = Hordeum Zeocriton. Fuller's Herb 316. Fuller's Thistle 127. Fuller's Weed 127. Fumitory 148. Furze 367, 367. Fuss-balles 202. Fustic 297 и Maclura tinctoria и Morus tinctoria. Fuzz-ball = Lycoperdon.
Galangale 26. Galapee-Tree = Sciodaphyllum Brownei. Galba = Calophyllum Calaba. Galimeta-wood = Dipholis salicifolia. Gall-Oak 288. Gallow-Grass 81. Gambir Shrub = Nauclea Gambir. Gandergosses 234. Gang-Flower 263. Garden Balsam = Dianthera pectoralis. Garden Bean = Vicia Faba. Garden Cabbage = Brassica oleracea. Garden Burnet = Poterium. Garden Daisy = Bellis hortensis. Garden Dog's Poison = Aethusa Cynapium. Garden forget-my not 120. Garden Lettuce. Garden Mallow 26. Garden Rocambole 24. Garden Sorrel 305, 306. Garden Wood-Bine = Lonicera Caprifolium. Garland Flower 122. Garland Philadelphus 248. Garlic(ck) 22, 23. Garlick-Shrub = Adenocalimna alliacea. Garlick Mustard, Garlick Hedge Mustard 331. Garlick Pear = Crataeva. Garlick-wort 22. Gasparillo = Esenbeckia. Gatten, Gatten-Tree, Gatter, Gatter-Tree 110. Gatteridge-Tree 142. Gawsee-Tree 184.
Genip-Tree = Genipa и Melicocca bijuga. Gentian 154, 155, 186. Gentianella = Gentiana acaulis. Germander 351. German Greens 69.
Giant Fennel 143. Gill 159. Gilliflower 46, 209, 217. Ginger 385. Wild Ginger 51. Gingergrass = Panicum verticillatum. Ginseng 239. Gipsy-wort 204. Girasol 163.
Gladdon. Gladen. Glader 178. Glass-wort 308, 312. Glide-wort 151. Globe-Amaranth = Gomphrena. Globe Flower 364. Globe Thistle 129. Globular-Shrub = Codia. Glow-worm-grass 200.
Goat's Beard 356, 356 и Spiraea Aruncus. Goat's Foot = Aegopodium Podagraria и Ipomaea pes Caprae. Goat's Leaf 198. Goat's Rue 160. Goat's Thorn 56, 57. Goat's weed 11. Goat's wheat 58 и Tragopyrum. Goat's wort 11. Gobetta Cherry 275. Gold Apples 202. Goldcare = Leucospermum. Gold of Pleasure 79, 79. Golde 77. Golden Cup 291. Golden Cutweed = Pterocarya virgatum. Golden Flower 267. Golden-Locks = Pterocarya virgatum и Chrysocoma. Venus Gold Locks 56. Golden Maiden Hair 56. Golden Mouseear = Hieracium aurantiacum. Golden Rod = Neurolaena lobata. Golden Rod-tree 335. Golden Samphire = Inula crithmoides. Golden Saxifrage 97, 97. Golden Spoon = Byrsonima cinerea. Golden Thistle 321. Golden Thread 226. Golden Tuft = Pterocarya virgatum. Golden Willow = Salix vitellina. Goldins, Goldings 97. Gold-Thread 226 и Helleborus purpurascens. Gold-Tree = Leucospermum. Goldy-Locks = Chrysocoma. Gomuti Palm-Sugar 44. Good King Henry 95. Gools 77, 97. Goose and Goslings 234. Goose Corn = Juncus squarrosus. Gooseberry 298. Goosefoot 94. Goosegrass 151, 270. Goosetansy 270. Goose Tongue 278. Gorse 367. Goulans 77. Gourd 115. Gout-Ivy 18. Gout-Tree = Cordia Colococca. Gout-Weed см. Goat Weed. Gowans. 77, 97. Gowlans 364. Gowles 77, 97.
Grain of Paradise 28. Grammont 362. Granadilla(e) = Passiflora Granadilla. Grape-Hyacinth 219, 220 и Hyacinthus botryoides. Grape-Flower 220. Grape-Pear 28. Grape-tree = Coccoloba uvifera. Grass of Parnassus 242. Grass-tree = Xanthorrhaea. Grass-Vetch = Lathyrus Nissolia. Grass Wrack 386. Gravel Bind = Soldanella. Great Burnet saxifrage = Pimpinella magna. Great Centaury 96. Great Cob = Corylus Avellana grandis. Great corn 385. Great cress 365. Greater Snapdragon 40. Grecian Stock = Matthiola graeca. Greeds 269. Greek Daphne 188. Greek Valerian 262, 262. Green 46. Green Savoy 69. Greenweed 154. Green-white = Vanilla claviculata. Greenwood = Genista tinctoria и Laurus Chloroxylon. Grey Bramble 303. Grigg 78. Gripgrass 151. Griotte Cherry 276. Gromil 196. Gromwell 196, 197. Ground Cypress = Santolina Chamaecyparissus. Ground-Heele 378. Ground Ivy 159. Ground Neetle 165. Ground Nut 41, 42, 87. Ground Pine 18 и Camphorosma. Ground-Plum 56. Ground Sel 326, 327.
Guaco = Mikania Guaco. Guarana Shrub = Paullinia sorbilis. Guava-Tree 277. Guelder-Rose 378, 379. Guernsey Lily = Nerine Sarniensis. Guigne 274. Guildes 97. Guinea Corn 337. Guinea Grass = Panicum altissimum. Guinea Hen-flower 148. Guinea Hen-weed = Petiveria. Guinea Peach = Sarcocephalus. Guinea Pepper 83. Guinea Wheat 385. Guld 76. Gules 77, 97. Gulf-Weed = Sargassum. Gum-Cistus 100. Gum-Copal = Rhus Copallina. Gum-Fig-Tree 145. Gum-Succory 96. Gum-Tree = Eucalyptus. Gum-Tree arabic = Acacia arabica. Gutta-Percha-Tree = Isonandra.
Hag-Berry 276. Hair-grass 18. Hairiff 151. Hair-Orchis = Trichosma. Halbertweed = Neurolaena lobata. Hallelujah 237. Hammerwort = Cestrum. Hand Plant = Cheirostemon. Hard-Cherry 274. Hard-fern 66. Hard-grass 11. Hardhack = Spiraea tomentosa. Hard heads 90. Hardwood-Tree = Ixia ferrea. Hare-bell 80. Hare mint 50. Hare's Ear 73, 73. Hare's Foot 358. Hare's-Foot-Fern = Davallia. Hare's Lettuce 272, 336. Hare's Palace 336. Hare's Tail-Grass = Lagurus. Hare's Tail-Rush 136. Harmel 244. Harstrong 246. Hart's Clover 213. Hart's Tongue 320. Hart's Thorn 293. Hart-Wort 186, 192, 355. Hasel. Hasel-Nut 111. Hassagay-Tree = Curtisia. Hatchet-Vetch = Bisserrula. Hautbois Strawberry 146. Hawkbit 41, 167. Hawknut 87. Hawk's Beard 113. Hawkweed 167. Hawthorn 112, 113. Haw-Tree (wild) = Pyrus torminalis. Haymaids 159. Hazel 111. Hazel-Nut 111.
Head-wark 241. Hearth bleending 93. Heart-Pea = Cardiospermum. Heart's Ease 382. Heart seed = Cardiospermum. Heath(er) 78, 78, 135, 195. Heath-Grass = Triodia. Heath-Hairgrass 18. Heath Pea 236, 236. Hedge-Bells 108. Hedge Berry 274. Hedge-Garlick 22. Hedge-hog-aloe = Aloe echinata. Hedge-hog-nut = Datura Stramonium. Hedge-hog-Thistle = Cactus echinocactus. Hedge-Hyssop 160. Hedge Maids 159. Hedge Mustard 137, 331 и Chenopodium ambrosioides. Hedge Nettle 341. Hedge-Dead-Nettle 342. Hedge Parsley 356. Hedge-Plant = Clematis. Heg-Berry 274. Helde 349. Helicampany = Inula Helenium. Hellebore 164. Helleborine = Arethusa bulbosa. Hell-weed 118. Helmet-Flower 6, 322. Hemlock 12, 98, 105, 230. Hemlock-Spruce = Abies canadensis. Hemp 81. Hemp-Agrimony = Ageratum conyzoides. Hemp-Eupatorium 139. Hemp-Nettle 150, 151. Hemp Dead-Nettie 151. Hen and Chickens = Sempervivum globiferum. Henbane 171, 171. Henbit = Lamium amplexicaule. Henna-Plant = Lawsonia. Hepatica 34. Hepatic-Aloe = Aloe Hepatica. Hep-Rose 301. Herb-Bennet 105, 157, 373. Herb Christopher 9, 176, 236. Herbe Eve 19. Herb Gerard 11. Herb of Grace 307, 307. Herb Ive или Ivy 19. Herb Margaret 62. Herb Paris 242. Herb Peter 273. Herb Robert = Geranium Robertianum. Herb Trinity 34, 382. Herb True Love 242. Herb Twopence 205. Hercule's all weal 186. Hercule's Club = Xanthoxylon Clava Herculis. Herd-grass = Agrostis americana. Heron's Bill 136. Heyhove 159.
Hickory = Carya. High Taper 375. Hill Green Pine 146. Hindheal 95. Hip-Rose 301. Hipwort 369.
Hock-Herb 207. Hog-gum-Tree = Moronobea. Hog-Plum = Spondias. Hog's Bean 171. Hog-weed 165: poisoned = Aristolochia grandiflora. Hog's Fennel 246, 329. Hog's Mushroom = Sonchus oleraceus. Hole-wort 110. Hollow-root 44 и Adoxa. Holley 137, 174. Holl hock (Holli-hock, Holy-hoke) 26. Holly Oak 288. Holly-rose 100 и Turnera ulmifolia. Holme 137. Holme Oak 288. Holy-Ghost 36. Holy-Rope 139. Holy-Grass 168. Holy-Herb 376. Honey-Berry = Melicocca. Honey-Flower = Melianthus. Honey Garlic = Nectaroscordum. Honey Locust 169. Honey Lotus 212. Honey-Plant 170. Honey-stalk 360. Honey-Suckle 197, 198. Honey-Suckle Clover 360. Honey wort 92. Hoop-Tree = Melia sempervirens. Hoop-White = Rivina. Hop 170. Hop-Hornbean 236. Hop-Trefoil 358. Horehound 60, 208. Horestrong 246. Horminum 312. Hornbean 86. Horn-Poppy 158. Horn-wort 92. Horse-Aloe = Aloe caballina. Horse bane 230. Horse Bean = Vicia Faba, equina. Horse Chestnut 12, 12. Horse Heel 177. Horse-Hoof 366. Horse Knop 90. Horse-Mint 215. Horse Purslane = Trianthema. Horse Radish 46. Horse Radish Tree = Moringa. Horse Shoe-Vetch = Hippocrepis. Horse-tail 93, 134, 168. Horse Thyme 76. Horse Tongue 307. Horse Vetch = Hippocrepis. Hound's Berry Tree 110. Hound's Tongue 119. Hound's Tree 110. House-leek 325. Hove 159.
Huckle Berry 371. Huge Shaddock 101. Hulver 137, 174. Sea Hulver 137. Humble Palmetto = Carludovicca. Humble Plant = Mimosa pudica. Hungarian Lotus = Nymphaea termalis. Hungry Rice = Paspalum filiforme. Hurr-Bur 185. Hurt-Sickle 90.
Hyacinth 171. Hypocist = Cytin Hyssop 173.
Icaco-Plum = Chrysobalanus Icaco. Iceland-Moss 93. Ice-Plant 216. Icy-Arnica = Arnica glacialis.
Ignatius-Bean = Strychnos Ignatii.
Illupie-Tree = Bassia longifolia.
Imperial Pink = Dianthus chinensis.
Indian-Aloe Tree 41. Indian Beaked-Grass = Eleusine. Indian Bush = Miconia. Indian Corn 385, 385. Indian Cress 365. Indian Cucumber = Medeola. Indian Fig = Opuntia Ficus indica. Indian Hemp 41. Indian Hore-hound = Monarda. Indian Kale = Xanthosoma. Indian Leaf = Holcus Sorghum. Indian Madder = Oldenlandia umbellata. Indian Mallow = Urena. Indian Millet = Holcus и Panicum italicum. Indian Oak = Tectona. Indian Pea 56. Indian Pink 177. Indian Red and White Sorrel 166. Indian Rice 385. Indian Rubber = Forsteronia. Indian-Rubber-Vine = Nerium grandiflorum. Indian Rupture-wort = Spilanthes Acmella. Indian Shot 81. Indian Sorrel = Hibiscus Sabdariffa. Indian Turnip 277. Indian Yams = Dioscorea Batatas. Indigo Plant 176. Inglorious = Adoxa.
Ipecacuanha 91.
Iris, Iris-root 177, 178. Iron Heads 90. Iron-Shrub = Sauvagesia erecta. Iron-wood 44. Iron-wort 329.
Ivory Palm 251; vegetable 251. Ivy 18, 19, 29, 162.
Jaca, Jack-Tree = Artocarpus integrifolia. Jack by the Hedge 22. Jack in a Box = Hernandia. Jacob's Ladder 262, 262. Jalap-Flower 217. Jamaika-Bark = Exostemma. Jamaica Bilberry = Vaccinium meridionale. Jamaica Dogwood = Piscidia. Jamaica Ginger 385. Jamaica Grape = Vitis Caribaea. Jamaika Nettle-Tree = Sponia micrantha. Jamaica Pepper 222. Jambalana Tree = Syzygium Jambolanum. Jame's wort 326. Japan Cedar = Cryptomeria. Japanese Pepper-Tree = Fagara piperita. Jarrew 5. Jarr 338. Jasmine 180. Jasmine French = Calotropis procera. Jasmine-Tree = Plumeria.
Jear-Bean 248. Jerusalem Artichoke 163. Jerusalem Cowslip 279. Jerusalem Sage 249. Jerusalem Thorn = Parkinsonia aculeata. Jerusalem Willow 131. Jew's Apple. Jew's Ear = Exidium Auriculae Judae. Jew's Mallow = Corchorus olitorius.
Job's Tears 104. St. John's Bread 92. St John's Wort 172, 173. St. John's Wort flax = Linum viscosum. Joke-Elm 86. Jolly = Solanum Melongena. Jonquill Narcissus = Narcissus Jonquilla. Jorkshire Grass 169. Jorkshire Sanicle 252. Jornut 73, 87. Jove's Fruit-Tree = Laurus Diospyrus. Joseph's Flower 356.
Juba's Bush = Iresine celosioides. Judas Ear = Exidium Auricula Judae. Judas Tree 92. Jujuba 386. Juli-Flower 209. June-Berry 28. Juniper 181, 182. Juno's Tears 376. Jupiter's Beard 325. Jurnut 87.
Kassu 2.
Kentucky Coffee-Tree 161. Kermes Oak 288. Kernelwort 322.
Kheirgum 2.
Kidbrook = Ulmus campestris virens. Kidney-Bean 247. Kidney Vetch 40, 40. Kidney-wort 369. King's Clover 213. King's Cup и Cob 290. Kipper-nut = Bunium.
Knap-bottle 241, 330. Knapweed 89, 90, 91, 138. Knawel 320. Knee-Holly 306. Knife-Grass = Scleria latifolia. Knight Pondwort 344. Knight's spurs 123. Knight water sengreen. Knightwort. Knight-woundwort 344. Knot-Berry 303. Knot-Grass 17, 175, 263. Knot-wort 263. Kohl-Raby, Kohl-Rubi 69.
Lablab = Dolichos Lablab. Labrador Tea или Tree 189. Lace-Bark 184. Ladders to heaven 107. Our Ladies Bedstraw 152. Jellow Lad. Bed. 153. Ladies Bower 103. Ladies-Hair 10, 70. Lad's Love 47. Lady-Coot = Adenanthera Pavonina. Lady Pea = Lathyrus odoratus. Lady's Comb 319. Lady's Cushion = Saxifraga Cotyledon. Lady's Fern 55. Lady's Fox Glove 375. Lady's Finger 40. Lady's Glove = Pulmonaria. Lady's Laces 118, 195. Lady's Looking-glass = Campanula Speculum. Lady's Mantle 20. Lady's Night-Cap 83, 108. Lady's Pea 187. Lady's Seal 107, 348. Lady's Signet 107. Lady's Slipper 120. Lady's Smock 83, 84. Lady's Thistle = Silybum (Carduus) marianum. Lady's Traces 341. Lady's Tresses = Neottia spiralis. Lagetto 184. Lagwort 245. Lake Clubrush 320. Lake-weed 265. Lambert's Nut = Corylus Avellana Lambertii. Lamb's Lettuce 373. Lamb's Quarters 59, 95. Lance-wood = Guatteria. Land-beet 68. Lapatero = Copaifera officinalis. Larch. Larch-Fir. Larch-Tree 254. Larkclaw 123. Larkheel 123. Larkspur 123, 124. Larktoe 123. Laserwort 186, 330. Laurel 188. Laurel Cherry 276. Laurel Herb 122. Laurestine = Viburnum Tinus. Lavender 188. Lavender Cotton 315, 315.
Lead-plant = Amorpha canescens. Lead-Tree = Lencaena glauca. Lead-Wort 261. Leaf-Tree 336. Leather vegetable = Euphorbia punicea. Leather-wood 127. Leck 23. Lee-Chee-Tree = Nephelium Litchi. Leek 23. Lemon 102. Lemon-Grass-Tea 33. Lemon-Tree 102. Lentil 136. Lentisk 257. Leopard's Bane 46, 128, 242. Lesser Burdock 384. Less Burnet = Poterium Sanguisorba. Lesser Celandine 144. Lesser Centaury 138. Lesser Hemlock 12. Lesser Spear-wort 291. Lettuce 183, 183. Lettuce Green-Lover 368.
Lichwale 197. Lignum Vitae Tree = Biota orientalis. Ligwort 375. Lilac 346. Persian Lilac, Indian Lilac 212. Lilas 346. Lily 193. Lily amongs Thorn 198. Lily Convaly 106. Lily of the Cap of Good Hope = Cyanella. Lily of the Valley 105, 106. Lily-Spiderwort = Anthericum Liliago. Lily Thorn = Catesbaea. Lima-Bean = Phaseolus lunatus. Lime, Lime-Tree 355. Linden-Tree = Tilia europaea. Ling 78. Lion's Ear = Leonotis. Lion's Foot 20 и Leontopodium. Lion's Paw 20. Lion's Tail = Leonurus. Lion's Tooth 190, 342, 350. Liquidambar 196. Liquorice 1, 159. Liquorice Fetch 67. Liquorice Vine 1. Lithy Tree 378. Little-Good 140. Little Trough = Hydnum Auriscalpium. Liver Agaric = Fistulina hepatica. Liver Balsam = Erinus. Liverwort 17, 34, 93, 208. Lizard's Tail = Saussurea.
Lob-Grass 71. Loblolly Bay = Gordonia Lasianthus. Loblolly-Sweet-wood = Sciodaphyllum Jacquini. Locker-Gowlans = Trollius. Locust Tree 299, 299. Loggert Heads 90. Logwood = Haematoxylon. Lombardy Poplar = Populus fastigiata. London-Pride 317. Longan-Tree = Nephelium Longana. Long cherry Tree 109. Long-Purples 223. Longwort = Angelica. Looking-Glass-Orchis[2]. Lookiug-Glass-Plant = Heritiera. Loosestrife 204, 205. Loquat = Eriobothrya. Lordsand Ladies 60. Lote-Tree 89, 112, 386. Louse-Berry 142. Louse-Bur 384. Louse kraut 124. Louse wort 243. Lovage 192. Love-Apple 202. Love-Grass 135. Love in a mist 227. Love in a puzzle 227. Love Lies-Bleeding 27. Loveman 151.
Lujula 237. Lucerne 210. Lung-Flower 155. Lungwort 36, 272, 279, 344. Lungwort = Archangel 36. Lupine 198. Lustwort 129.
Lyme-Grass 131. Lythewale 197.
Mace 221. Mackaw-Bush = Solanum mammosum. Mackaw-Tree = Acrocomia sclerocarpa. Madagascar Nutmeg 16. Madagascar Plum = Flacourtia. Mad-Apple 334. Madder 302. Madhuca Tree = Bassia latifolia. Madflower = Antholyza. Madnep 165. Madwort 53. Mafootoo-withe = Entada scandens. Maghet 280. Maguly = Agave americana. Mahaleb Cherry Tree 276. Mahogany-Tree 345. Maiden-Hair-Grass 9, 10, 56, 70, 267. Maid's Hair 153. Maiden-Hair-Tree = Salisburia. Maiden-Lip = Vaillantia. Maiden-Pink 125. Maiden-Plum = Comocladia. Maiden-Wort = Mimulus. Maithes 10, 209, 280. Maize 385. Make-bate 262. Malabar Nightschade 61. Malabar Nut-Tree = Justicia. Malabar Plum 139. Malacca Aloe-Tree = Aquilaria malaccensis. Malacca Bean = Semecarpus Anacardium. Malay Apple = Jambosa malaccensis. Male Dogwood 109. Male Fern 55. Male-Foot-stones 223. Male Orchis 223. Male Polypody 56. Male Speedwell 378. Mallow 26, 207, 208. Mammee-Tree = Mammea. Mammel Sapota = Lucuma mammosa. Mammoth Tree 327. Mandarin Orange = Citrus nobilis. Mandragora 59. Mandrake 59. Mangle-Tree = Rhizophora Mangle. Mangosteen = Garcinia. Mango-Tree = Mangifera. Mangrove = Coccoloba uvifera и Rhizophora. Manjack = Cordia macrophylla. Manihot, Manioc = Manihot. Manna 20. Manna Ash 147. Manna Grass 159. Manna Tree 147. Man Orchis = Orchis mascula. Maple 3, 4. March 41. Mare's Tail 168, 168. Margarites 62. Margaronet 62. Mariet 81. Marigold 76, 77, 96, 347. Majoram 234, 234. Marking Nut-Tree = Semecarpus. Marl Clove = Trifolium pratense. Marmalad Apple = Achras. Marmelos 11. Marsh Andromeda = Ledum palustre. Marsh Beet 342. Marsh Calla 77. Marsh Centaury = Exacum. Marsh Cistus 189. Marsh Elder 379. Marsh Gentian 155. Marsh Gilliflower 201. Marsh Holy Rose 32. Marsh Laurel = Gordonia lasianthus. Marsh Ledum 189. Marsh Lock 105. Marsh Mallow 26. Marsh Marigold 78, 79. Marsh Moss 217. Marsh Milfoil 278. Marsh Parsley 41. Marsh Penny = Hydrocotyle. Marsh Quillwort 179. Marsh Rocket 215. Marsh Tare = Lathyrus palustris. Marsh Trefoil 216. Marsh Violet 382. Marsh Water-Rocket = Sisymbrium. Marshwort 237. Marsh Woundwort = Stachys palustris. Martagon 193. Marum = Teucrium Marum. Marvel of Peru 217. Mary Gowles 77. Maser-Tree 3. Masterwort 57, 176. Mastich-Tree 251, 351. Mastic-Tree = Bursera gummifera. Mate 174. Mat-felon 91. Matgrass 28, 223. Mather 209. Matreed = Arundo arenaria. Matrimony Vine 201. Mat-tree = Labourdonnaisia. Mat-weed 223. Maudlin 4, 5. Maudlin-wort 97, 97. Maule 215. Mauther 209. Mawdeleys 4. Mawseed 241. May-Apple = Podophyllum peltatum. May-Bush 112. May-Flower 106. May-Lily 105, 106. Maydeweed (red) 10. May-Weed 38, 209, 280. Mazagan-Vetch = Vicia Faba var.
Meadow Bouts 79. Meadow Clary 313. Meadow Companion 201. Meadow-Cress 83, 84. Meadow Crowfoot = Ranunculus acris. Meadow Cuckoo 84. Meadow-Grass 169, 261. Meadow Ladies Smook 84. Meadow Lychnis 201. Meadow Parsnep 165. Meadow Rue 179, 352. Meadow Saffron 104. Meadow Saxifrage 327. Meadow-Soft 169. Meadow-Sorrel = Rumex pratensis. Meadow Sweet 340. Mealy-Tree 378. Medic 209. Medick 209, 210. Medlar 28, 217. Medlar Myrtle = Myrtos mespiloides. Medwort Alisson 26. Melancholy Gentleman 166. Melic Grass 212. Melilot 212, 213. Melios 147. Melon 114, 115, 115. Melon-Pumpkin 116. Melon Thistle 214. Merch 41. Mercury 95, 216, 216. Mercury moist Blood 376. Mercury's Violet 81. Mesquite 20. Mexican Lily = Amaryllis orientalis и Hippeastrum regium. Mexican Thistle = Erythrolaena.
Michaelmas Daisy = Aster Tradescanti. Mignonetta-Tree = Lawsonia alba. Mignonette 292. Milfoil 4, 5, 221, 370. Military Orchis 234. Milk Parsley 325. Milk Plant 52. Milk Tare 158. Milk Thistle 330. Milk Trefoil 158. Milk Vetch 56, 57. Milk-Weed = Asclepias syriaca. Milk-wood = Lobelia scaevolaefolia. Milk-wort 139, 158, 262. Millet 239, 240. Millet-Grass 217. Mill-Mountain 195. Miltwaste 55. Mingwort = Artemisia vulgaris. Mint 214, 215. Mistletoe 383. Mithridate Mustard 354.
Mock Cypress = Kochia Scoparia. Mock-Orange 248. Mock-Privet 248. Molucca Balm 218. Moneywort = Lysimachia Nummularia. Monkey-Apple (wild) = Clusia alba. Monkey-Bread = Adansonia. Monkey-Flower = Mimulus. Monkey-Pot-Tree = Lecythis. Monk's Head 190. Monk's Hood 6, 8. Monk's Rhubarb = Rumex alpinus, acutus. Moon-flower = Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum. Moon-grass = Sessleria. Moon-Seed = Menispermum. Moon-Trefoil = Medicago arborea; true 210. Moon-wort 68, Lunaria и Osmunda Lunaria. Moor-Berry 237. Moor-Grass 328. Moor-wood 127. Moor-wort 32. Moose-wood 3. Moos-Berries 237. Morel 59. Moreton-Bay-Pine = Araucaria Cunnighami. Moril 218, 247. Morning Glory 177. Morton-Bay Chestnut = Castanospermum. Moschatel 10. Mosqueit 20. Moss-Berry = Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Moss-Campion = Silene alpestris. Moss-Rose = Rosa muscosa. Moss-Rush = Juncus squarrosus. Mother-Clove = Caryophyllus aromaticus. Mother of Thyme 355. Motherwort 191, 280. Moth-Mullein (yellow) 374. Mountain Angelika 42. Mountain Ash 336, 336. Mountain Avens 129. Mountain Bramble 303. Mountain Broom-tree = Baccharis Scoparia. Mountain Calaloe 251. Mountain Chickweed = Moerrhingia muscosa. Mountain Ebony = Bauhinia. Mountain Everlasting 160. Mountain Fir (dwarf) = Pinus Pumilio. Mountain Grape = Coccoloba tenuifolia. Mountain Grass = Anthoxanthum. Mountain Green = Spathelia. Mountain Lentil = Phaca. Mountain Mahogany 65. Mountain Palm = Chamaedorea. Mountain Parsley 57. Mountain Plum = Ximenia americana. Mountain Poly 32. Mountain Pride = Spathelia. Mountain Sorrel = Oxyria. Mountain Tea 153. Mount Ida Bramble 304. Mount Ida Cowberry 372. Mouse Barley 169. Mouse Ear 167, 169, 220. Mouse-Ear-Chick-weed 92. Mouse Scorpion Grass = Myosotis scorpioides. Mouse-Tail-grass 25, 220. Mouse-Thorn-Moxa = Artemisia judaica vel chinensis.
Mudwort 194. Mugget 106. Mugwort 47, 50. Mulberry 219. Mulewort, Mulwort = Hemionitis. Mullein 374. Mullet 176. Muscadine Pear = Pyrus favoniana. Muscat-Hyacinth = Hyacinthus Muscari. Muscy 90. Mushroom 13, 247. Mushroom Spawn 171. Musk-Akro = Hibiscus Abelmoschus. Musk-Crow-foot = Adoxa. Musk-Melon = Cucumis Melo Cantaloupa. Musk-Orchis 166. Musk-Pear = Pyrus favoniana. Musk-Plant = Mimulus moschatus. Musk-Rose = Rosa moschata. Musk-Seed = Hibiscus Abelmoschus. Muskwood = Trichia moschata. Musky 90. Mustard 331. Mustard Bastard = Cleome.
Myrobalan Plum Tree = Prunus domestica Myrobalana. Myrobalan-Tree = Terminalia. Myrrh 222. Myrtle 220, 221, 222, 306.
Nailwort 128. Naked Ladies Upstart 104. Nancy-Pretty 317. Narcissus 223. Naseberry = Achras Sapota. Naseberry-Bully-Tree = Lucuma multiflora. Navel-wort 112, 369.
Neck-weed 81. Needle-Furze 153. Needle-Greenwood = Genista Anglica. Neele 197. Neem-Tree 212. Neesewort 164. Negressee = Bucida capitata. Negroe-Country-Yams = Dioscorea alata. Negro's Head = Phytelephas. Nepaul-Plum-Tree = Cerasus Nepalensis. Netted Melon = Cucumis Meloreticulatus. Nettle 369, 370. Nettle-Tree 89, 120. New Jersey Tea 88. New Zealand Flax 250. New Zealand Spinach = Tetragonia.
Nichar Tree = Guilandina. Nicker Tree 161. Nidle Size 177. Nightshade 59, 333, 334. Niopo Tree = Piptadenia peregrina. Nipple Beares = Cactus Mamillaria. Nipple-wort 185. Nitta-Tree = Parkia.
No-eye-pea = Cajanus. None-so-petty 317. None-such 200, 200, 210. Norfolk-Island Pine = Araucaria excelsa. Nosebleed 5. Notch-weed 95.
Nutmeg 221. Nut-Tree 111.
Oak 288, 289. Oak Cappadocia or of Jerusalem 95. Oak-Fern 266. Oak-Thistle = Cirsium (Serratula) arvense. Oak-Tree 288. Oat 59, 385. Oat-Grass 47, 59, 60, 71.
Ogechee Lime = Nyssa candicans.
Oil-Grain = Sesamum. Oil-Nut-Tree 180, 299. Oil-Palm = Elais. Oil-Plant = Sesamum. Oil-Seed 79.
Old Maid = Vinca rosea. Old-Man 47. Old Man's Beard = Clematis Vitalba, Geropogon, Leucopogon и Tillandsia usneoides. Oleander 225. Oleaster 131, 230. Olibanum Boswellia = Boswellia. Olive-Tree 230; wild 131, 230. Olive-Bark-Tree = Bucida Aceras. Olive Mangrove = Avicennia nitida. Olive wood = Elaeodendron.
One Berry 241, 242. Onion 22, 23.
Opera Girls = Mantisia.
Orach 58, 59. Orange, Orange Tree 101. Orange-Lily = Lilium aurantium. Orange Narcissus = Narcissus aurantius. Orchanet = Anchusa tinctoria. Orchard-Grass 122. Organy 234. Orpine 325. Orrice 177. Orris 177. Orris-root 177.
Osier 310, 311. Osmund; royale; the Waterman 236. Oswego Tea = Monarda didyma.
Otaheite-Apple = Jambosa Malaccensis. Otaheite Chestnut = Inocarpus. Otaheite Gooseberry = Cicca disticha.
Our Lady's Bedstraw 153.
Osentongue 31. Ox-Eve 38, 97. Ox-Lip 272, 273. Ox-Tongue 31, 251; Bristly Oxtongue = Helminthia echioides.
Oyster-Green 368.
Paccan Nut-Tree = Carya olivaeformis. Pachira = Carolinea. Paddock Pipe 134. Paddock-stools 13, 66. Padelion 20. Padow-Pipe = Equisetum palustre. Padstoole 66. Paeony 238. Pagle 273. Painting-Root 196. Palma Christi 299. Palmetto = Chamaerops и Thrinax. Palmyra Palm = Borassus. Panacea 46. Panic Grass 239. Pansy violet 382. Panther Strangler = Doronicum Pardalianches. Papaw-Tree 241. Paper Mulberry 71. Paper Narcissus = Narcissus papyraceus. Paper Plant = Papyrus. Para Cress 338. Paradise-Apple-Tree = Pyrus praecox. Paradise Plantain-Tree = Musa paradisiaca. Paraguay Tea 174. Pareira Brava-Root = Cissampelos. Park-Flower 105. Parnell Pratling 317. Parrot-weed = Bocconia frutescens. Parsley 20, 246, 331. Parsnep. Parsnip 243, 243, 332. Parthenium = Chrysanthemum Parthenium. Passion Flower 243. Pasque-Flower 35. Passe-Flower 35. Pasteque Cucumber = Cucumis Citrullus Pasteca. Patchouli 261, 261. Patience 306. Patience-Dock 306. St. Patrick's Cabbage 317. Paul's Betony 376. Pavia 12.
Pea 258. Peach 245. Peach-wort 265. Pea-Flower = Clitoria. Pea-Nuts 42. Pea-Tree 83. Pear 282, 336. Pear-Tree 28, 282, 337. Pearl-Plant 197, 308. Pearl-Wort 308. Pechurim Tree = Laurus Pichurim. Pectinate Fir Tree = Pinus (Abies) pectinata. Peepul-Tree = Ficus religiosa. Pearl Plant. Pearl Wort = Sagina. Pella mountain 351. Pellitory 241; common 280. Pellitory of Spain 30. Pell-Pipper 83. Peltigree 306. Pencil-moss = Penicilium. Penny Cress 354. Penny Grass 296. Penny royal 215 и Hedeoma. Pennywort = Hydrocotyle. Peony 238. Pepe-Potato 62. Pepper 82, 83, 257, 324. Pepper Crop 324. Pepper-Dulse = Ficus pinnatifidus. Peppermint 214. Pepper-Mint-Tree = Eucalyptus piperita. Pepper Mushroom = Agaricus piperatus. Pepper Saxifrage 329. Pepper-vine = Vitis arborea. Pepper wort 316. Pepper-wort-Cress 191. Pepul-Tree 145. Peristerion = Verbena officinalis. Periwinkle 380. Persian Jasmine. Persian Lilac = Syringa persica. Persian Willow 133. Persicaria = Polygonum Persicaria 265. Persicon bark 127. Persilja 246. Peru Balsam = Myrospermum peruiferum. Peruvian Bark-Tree = Cinchona. Peruvian Daffodil = Ismene. Peruvian Mastic Tree = Schinus molle. Pestilence-weed 246. St. Peter's Corn = Briza media. Peterswort 33, 273, 345. Petty Madder 120. Petty Morel 334. Petty-Whin 231, 231. Pewter-Grass = Equisetum arvense. Pewter-wort 134.
Pheasant's Eye 10, 272. Phocan 251. Phu 373. Physic Nut 180.
Pigeon's Grass 376. Pigeon Pea 136 и Cytisus Cajanus. Pigeon wood = Coccoloba diversifolia. Pignut 87. Pilewort 144 и Chelidonium minus. Pill-corn 59. Pill-wort = Pilularia. Pimento 82. Piment's Berries 222. Pimpinell или Pimpernell 31, 91, 252, 314, 376, 376. Pimperneel-Speedwell = Veronica Anagallis. Pimpinell 252. Pindar 42. Piue 253, 254, 255, 256. Pine Apple 31. Pine Thistle = Atractylis. Pine-Sap 218. Piney 338. Piney-Franke 338. Pingerin = Bromelia Pinguin. Pink 125. Pinkroot = Spigelia Marylandica. Pink-weed 263. Piony 238. Piny 338. Piperidge Bush 62, 63. Piperidge Tree 63. Pipe-Tree 88, 346. Pipe-Privet 248, 346. Pipet-Tree 346. Pipe-Vine 45. Pipewort = Eriocaulon. Piprage 63. Pipsissewa 282. Pissabed 350. Pistachia Tree 258. Pistacie-Tree 257, 258. Pitcher-Plant 225. Pitch-Fir 253. Pitch Pin 253. Pitch-Tree 255. Pitted-Warty Lichen = Verrucaria.
Plaister-Clover 213. Plane-Tree 4, 260. Plantain 21, 197, 219, 258, 259. Plantain-Tree 219. Ploughman's Spikenard 176. Plum 274, 275. Plum Tree 275, 277.
Pod-Fern = Ceratopteris. Poet's Cassia = Osyris. Poet's Narcissus 223. Poigle 273. Poison Ash = Rhus vernix, Rhus Toxicodendron. Poison-Berry = Cestrum. Poison-Nut 345. Poison-Oak = Rhus Toxicodendron. Poison-Sumach = Rhus pumila. Pock-wood 161. Poke-weed 251. Pole-reed 51. Polish Cochineal 320. Polish Scarlet-grain 320. Poly 32, 351. Polyanth. Polyanthus 272. Polypody 266. Pomegranate-Tree 279, 280. Pompion 117. Pond Lily 229. Pond weed 269. Pony = Tecoma serratifolia. Poorman's Hourglass 31. Poorman's Pepper 191. Poorman's Rhubarb = Thalictrum. Poorman's Waterglass 31. Pop-Pea 56. Poplar 267, 268. Poppy 168, 240, 241. Potiron 116. Portugal Laburnum = Cytisus albus. Potato 62, 277, 335. Potato Onion 22. Potherb 373. Pot-herb-Purslane 269. Potherb Spinach 339.
Prairie Potato 277. Prickly Apple 37. Prickly Broom 367. Prickly Cedar 182. Prickly Christ Thorn 239. Prickly Glasswort 312. Prickly Grass 239. Prickly Parsnep = Echinophora. Prickly Peltigree 306. Prickly Pole = Cocos guinensis и Bactris. Prickly Poppy 44. Prick-Timber 142. Prick-wood 110, 142. Pride of India 212. Priest's Crown 350. Priest's Pintle 8, 50. Prim 193. Prim-Print 193. Primrose 230, 272, 273. Primrose-Bird's Eye 272. Primrose-Willow = Jussieua. Princewood = Hamelia grandiflora. Privet 193. Procession Flower 263.
Pucha-Pat of India 261. Puccoon = Sanguinaria. Puckfist 202. Pudding-Grass 215. Pudding-Pipe-Tree = Cassia fistula. Puff-Balls 202. Pulic = Mentha Pulegium. Pulmonary Tree 344. Pumpkin 117. Pumpkine Pine 256. Purple-Apple = Anona asiatica. Purple Cherry = Prunus virginiana. Purple Foxcowe 126. Purple Glandmoss 341. Purple Goat's Beard 356. Purple Grass = Trifolium rubens. Purple-Hearth = Copaifera officinalis. Purple Lip = Vanilla claviculata. Purple-Marsh-Wort 105. Purple Trefoil = Trifolium rubens. Purple Wreath = Petraea volubilis. Purple Violet 382. Purple Wort 105 и Trifolium rubens. Purret 23. Purslane 58, 245, 268, 269. Putchock. Putchuck = Costus и Iris chinensis. Putney Barley = Hordeum Zeocriton.
Pyracanth 113.
Quake. Quake-Grass 70. Quakers uu Shakers 70. Quaking Grass 70. Queen Anne's Jonquil = Narcissus pusillus plenus. Queen's Gilliflower = Hesperis. Queen of the Meadow 340. Queen Stock = Matthiola incana. Quich 362. Quick 112. Quick Beam 336. Quick in the Hand 175. Quick May = Crataegus Oxyacantha. Quicken Tree = Sorbus. Quickset 112. Quill-wort 179. Quince 11. Quince-Tree 119. Quitch-Grass 362.
Radish. Radis 292. Ragged-Robin 201. Ragwort 326. Ram 293. Ram of Libia 239. Ram-Goat = Fagara microphilla. Ramoon-Tree = Trophis americana. Ramp 50. Rampion 251. Rampion-Bell 80. Rams. Ramsies. Ramsons 24. Rape 70. Raspberry 304. Rattle-Box 296. Rattle-Box-weed 56. Rattle-Snake Orchis = Pholidota. Rattle-Snake-Root 263. Rattle yellow 295, 296. Raygrass, french 47. Razor-Grass = Scleria Flagellum.
Red-Bean-Tree = Erythrina Corallodendron. Red-beef-Wood = Ardisia coriacea. Red-bud-Tree = Cercis canadensis. Red Cedar = Juniperus Virginiana argentea. Red Gum-Tree = Ceratopetalum. Redhead = Asclepias Curassavica. Red-Knees 265. Red-Legs 264. Red-Lianas = Tetracera. Red-Mace 367. Red-Maitnes 10. Red-Morocco 10. Red-Nightshade = Erica halicacaba. Red Pine 253. Red Pipe 63. Red-Rattle = Pedicularis flammea. Redroot 88. Red Sandal-wood 278. Red-Shanks 266. Red-Sharns = Polygonum Hydropiper. Red Spruce = Pinus rubra. Red Top-Grass = Agrostis dispar. Red Water-Tree = Erythrophleum. Redweed 251. Red white = Combretum. Red Whortleberry 372. Red Wood 88; of the California 327. Red-Wood-Tree = Soymida. Reed 51; (Pole-R., Pool-R. Pull-R.) Spire-reed 51. Reed-Grass 247, 337. Reed Millet = Sorghum saccharatum. Reed-Plant = Arundinaria. Reindeer Moss 102. Rennet 153. Rest-Harron(w) 231.
Rhapontic = Rheum Rhaponticum. Rhatany 183. Rhubarb 294, 295.
Ribbon Laver 368. Rib-Grass 259. Ribwort 259. Rice-Plant 236, 385. Rich-weed = Actaea racemosa. Ringflower 30. Ringworm-Shrub = Cassia alata.
Roan-Tree 336. Roast-beef Plant = Iris loetidissima. Robinia 299. Robin run in the Hedge 159. Rocket 61, 72, 75, 166, 224, 292, 331. Rocket galant. Rocket-gentle = Barbarea vulgaris. Rock Lychnis = Lychnis Viscaria. Rock Madwort = Alyssum saxatile. Rock-Mugworf = Genipa. Rock Pepperwort = Lepidium petraeum. Rock-Rose 100, 163. Rock-Samphire = Crithmum maritimum. Rod-wood = Eugenia. Rogation Flower 263. Rohuna = Soymida. Rosa 300, 301. Rose a Ruby 10. Rose Acacie 299. Rose Apple = Eugenia Jambos (vulgaris). Rose-Bay 133, 296. Rose Campion 200. Rose Chestnut = Mesua. Rose Laurel 225. Rosemary 186, 189, 302; wild, marsh 32. Rose of Heaven = Agrostemma (Lychnis) Coelirosa. Rose of Jericho 81. Rose Lupine = Lupinus pilosus. Rose Pea = Pisum sativum umbellatum. Rose-Root = Sedum Rhodiola. Rose-Tree 300. Rose wort = Sedum Rhodiola. Rosin-weed = Cressa. Rot 252. Rotang 76. Rotgrass 252. Rough Bindweed 332. Rough Spleenwort = Blechnum boreale. Round-Dock 208. Rowan Tree 336. Royal Fern 236.
Ruddes 77. Rue 307, 323, 352; Syrian 244. Wall-Rue 56. Rupture wort 166. Rush 131, 134, 180. Rush Broom = Viminaria. Rush-Grass 319. Rush Wheat = Triticum junceum. Russian Currant = Ribes rubrum sibiricum.
Rye 323. Rye Grass 169, 197.
Sabadilla = Veratrum Sabadilla. Sacred Bean of India 224. Saf-flower 87. Saffron 87, 113. Sage 312. Sago Palm = Cycas, Sagus. Sago-Tree = Cycas. Saintfoin 231. Salad Burnet 272. Salad Parsley 291. Saligot 357. Sallow 309. Sallow-Thorn 168. Salsafy, Salsifls 356. Salt-Crowfoot = Ranunculus salsuginosus. Salt-Tree = Halimodendron. Saltwort 158, 308, 311. Sambo = Cleome. Samphire 113. Sandal-wood 278, 315. Sand-Box-Tree = Hura. Sanders (yellow) = Bucida capitata. Sandreed = Arundo arenaria. Sand-weed 44. Sandwort 44. Sanguinary 5. Sanicle 315. Santa Maria = Calophyllum Calaba. Sapodilla. Sapotilla = Achras Sapota. Sarsaparilla = Smilax Sarsaparilla. Scarlet-Horse Chestnut = Pavia. Sassafras. Sassafras-Laurel 316. Satin-Flower 199. Satin wood = Chloroxylon. Sauce-alone 22. Savannah-Flower = Echites. Savin 182. Savory 316. Saw-wort 327. Saxifrage 252.
Scabious 317. Scab-wort 176, 177. Scallion 22, 23. Scaly-Apple 37. Scarlet-Clover = Trifolium incarnatum. Scarlet Jasmin = Bignonia. Scarlet Lychnis 200. Scarlet-Stock = Mathiola incana coccinea. Sciatica Cress 174. Scille 319. Scorpion Grass 220. Scorpion's Tail = Scorpiurus. Scorpion Senna = Coronilla Emerus. Scotch Attorney = Clusia. Scotch rose = Rosa spinosissima. Scotch Thistle 232. Scotch wood Fir 256. Scouring Rush 134. Scraper-Hydnum = Hydnum Auriscalpium. Screw-Pine = Pandanus. Screw-Tree = Helicteres isora. Scruby Gras. Scurvy Grass. Scurvy Cress 104.
Sea-Apple = Manicaria Pluckenetii. Sea Beet = Beta maritima. Sea Belt = Fucus saccharinus. Sea Bindweed = Soldanella. Sea Buckthorn 168. Sea Cabbage 112. Sea Campion = Silene amoena. Sea Fennel = Crithmum maritimum. Sea Gilliflower 46. Sea Grape 308. Sea Heath = Frankenia. Sea-Hedgehog = Medicago intertexta. Sea-Holly 137. Sea Hulver 137. Sea Kale 112. Sea Laces = Fucus filum. Sea Lavender 342. Sea Lettuce = Euphorbia Esula. Sea Madwort = Alyssum maritimum. Sea Moss = Corallina. Sea Navelwort 33. Sea Onion 319. Sea Oak = Fucus vesiculosus и Quercus maritima. Sea-Poppy 158. Sea Radish = Rhaphanus maritimus. Sea Rocket 75. Sea Samphire 113. Sea Sedge 85. Sea-Side-Balsam = Croton Eleuteria. Sea-Side-Beech = Exostemma caribaeum. Sea-Side-Grape 103. Sea-Side-Laurel = Phyllanthus. Sea-Side-Mahoe = Thespesia populnea. Sea-Side-Potatoe = Ipomaea pes Caprae. Sea-Side-Plum-Tree = Ximenia americana. Sea Tangle = Fucus. Sea-Tree-Mallow 188. Seaves 180. Sea-weed ware 20. Sea Wheat-Grass = Triticum junceum. Sea Wool = Conferva vagabunda. Sea Wrack 386. Seal-wort 107. Sebesten = Cordia Sebestena. Sedge 85. Segg 85. Segraseed = Feuillaea cordifolia. Segs 85. Selago Rampion = Selago rapunculoides. Self-Heal 273, 274, 315. Sellery 41. Sellery Pin = Phyllocladus. Sensitive Plant = Cassia glandulosa. Sept-Foil 271. Serpent Cucumber = Cucumis anguinus и Trichosanthes. Service Berry 276. Service-Tree 336, 337. Setter-Grass. Setter-wort = Helleborus foetidus. Seven year's vine = Ipomaea tuberosa.
Shaddock 101. Shallot 22, Sham-rock 237. Sharewood. Sharewort 137. Sharp Cedar = Juniperus Oxycedrus. Shave-Grass 134. Sheep's Beard = Arnopogon. Sheep's Bit 180. Sheep's Fescue 144. Sheep-Laurel = Kalmia. Sheep's Scabious 180. Sheep's Sorrel 305. Shell-Bark-Wallnut-Tree = Juglans cinerea. Shell-Flower = Chelone. Shepherd's Bursa 353. Shepherd's Club 375. Shepherd's Hourglass 81. Shepherd's Needle 319. Shepherd's Purse 82. Shepherd's Weather-Glass 31. Shere Grass 85. Shield-Fern 54. Shop Burnet 315. Shop Cassia 88. Shop Consound 346. Shop Gromwell 197. Shore Grass. Shore weed 197. Showy Apple-Tree = Pyrus spectabilis. Shrub-Fir (Bank's) = Pinus Banksiana. Shrubby Almond 29. Shrubby by Arach = Atriplex Halimus. Shrubby Bramble 304. Shrubby Stock = Cheiranthus fruticulosus. Shrubby Trefoil 278. Shrubby Trumpet = Tecoma stans.
Siberian Acacia 83. Siberian Cedar или Fir 253. Siberian Pea-Tree 83. Sicklepod = Drepanocarpus. Sickle-wort 110, 274. Side Saddle-Flower = Sarracenia. Silk-Cotton-Tree = Bombax и Eriodendron aufractuosum. Silk-Grass = Jucca fllamentosa. Silk Tree = Acacia Julibrissin. Silver-Bush 40. Silver Fir 253. Silver-Hairgrass = Aira caryophyllacea. Silver-Leaf = Argyrolobium. Silver-Tree = Protea. Silver-weed 270 и Argyreia. Single seeded Cucumber 329. Sink-Field 269. Sison 381.
Skelloch 331. Skirret 332. Skirt-wort 355. Skull-Cap 322. Sky blue Pimpernell 31. Sky-Flower = Cineraria.
Sleepwort 183. Slender 144. Slipper-wort 76. Sloe. Sloe-Tree 277. Slough-heal 274.
Smair-Dock 306. Smart-weed = Polygonum Hydropiper. Smilax 332.
Snag 277. Snail Clover 209. Snail-Flower = Phaseolus Caracalla. Snail Trefoil = Medicago scutellata. Snake Gourd 114. Snake Head 148 и Chelone. Snake Moss 203. Snake Pipe = Equisetum arvense. Snake-Root 45, 51, 263. Snake's Tongue = Lycopodium. Snakeweed 263 и Polygonum Bistorta. Snake wood = Cecropia и Ophioxylon. Snap-dragon 40. Sneeze-wort 278. Snowball-Tree 378. Snowberry 345. Snowberry-Shrub = Lonicera Periclymenum. Snow-deep = Chionanthus virginica. Snowdrop 150, 192. Snowdrop-Tree 96. Snowflake 192. Snowflower 96.
Soap-berry-Tree = Sapindus. Soapwort 316. Soap-Wood = Clethra tinifolia. Sodom Egg-plant = Solanum Sodomaeum. Soft-Grass 169. Solomon's Seal 107. Soldier-Orchis 234. Soldier-wood = Inga purpurea. Sorbapple Tree 337. Sorbe-Tree 337. Sore-Throat 381. Sorrel 237, 305, 306; climbing = Begonia scandens. Sorrel-vine = Cissus acida. Sourd-gourd = Adansonia digitata. Sour-Gum = Nyssa grandidentata. Sow-bane 95. Sowbread 118. Sour-Sop 37. South American Gooseberry-Tree = Melastoma. Southern Pine 43, 263. Southern-wood 47. South-Sea-Tea = Cassine Paraguay. South-wood 47. Sow-bread 118. Sow-Thistle 336. (Downy-Sow-Th. = Andryala). Sowd-wort 312.
Spanish-Broom 337, 338. Spanish Calalu = Phytolacca octandra. Spanish-Campion = Silene Otites. Spanish Carnation = Poinciana pulcherrima. Spanish Elm = Cordia Gerascanthus. Spanish Fir 253. Spanish Moss = Tillandsia usneoides. Spanish Plum = Spondias lutea. Sparagas 53. Sparrow 176. Sparrow-grass 53. Sparrow-wort = Passerina и Stellera. Sparrow Tongue 263. Spattling Poppy = Cucubalus Behen. Spear-Mint 215. Spear-Thistle 232. Spear-wort-lesser 291. Speedwell 376, 377. Spelt 363. Spelt-wheat 70, 363. Sperage 52, 53. Spicewood = Laurus Benzoin. Spice-wort = Acorus Calamus. Spicknel 217. Spider-Orchis = Ophrys aranifera. Spiderwort 39 и Tradescantia. Spignel 217. Spikenard 43, 176, 223. Spike-Rush 131. Spinach 66. Spinage 95, 95. Spindle-Tree 142. Spinks 84. Spiny Plum Tree = Prunus spinosa. Spirit weed = Ruellia. Spleenwort 55, 56, 161. Sponge vegetable 114. Sponge-berry-Tree = Hydnocarpus. Sponge-Tree = Acacia Farnesiana. Spoon-Haunch = Kalmia latifolia. Spoon-wort = Cochlearia. Spotted-Ransoms = Allium Victoriale. Sprat Barley = Hordeum Zeocriton. Spread-Eagle = Schomburgkia marginata. Spring Cowslip 273. Spring-Barley = Hordeum vulgare. Spring-Grass 39. Spring-Snow-drop = Leucojum vernum. Spruce-Fir 253, 255. Spunge, useful = Spongia usitatissima. Spurge 122, 139. Spurge-Flax 122. Spurge-Laurel 122. Spurge-Olive 122. Spurious-Spunk = Polyporus igniarius. Spurry 338.
Squash = Cucurbita Melopepo. Squill 319. Squinancy 53, 54. Squinancy-Berries 298. Squinancy-wort 53. Squitch 362.
Staff-Tree 88, 89. Stag's Horn-Tree 297. Stagwort 326. Standard-Grass = Satyrium. Stander-Grass. Standerwort 233. Star, Stare 85. Star-Anise 175. Star-Apple = Chrysophyllum. Starch-Hyacinth = Muscari racemosum. Star-Grass 77, 297. Star-Ielley 227. Star of Arabia = Ornithogalum arabicum. Star of Bethlehem 235 и Hypoxis decumbens. Star of Jerusalem 366. Star of Night = Clusia rosea. Star Osmites = Osmites bellidiastrum. Starry Duck's Meat = Callitriche. Star Shoot 227. Star Thistle 89, 138. Starwort 56, 77 и Helonias. Yellow Starwort = Inula britannica. Starchwort 51. Stave-sacre 124. Stave-wood = Simaruba excelsa. Stay-Plough 231. Stinking Bark = Paederia. Stink Cabbage = Dracontium foetidum. Stink-Horn 247. Stinking Blite = Chenopodium Vulvaria. Stinking Chamomille = Anthemis. Stinking Gladwyn = Iris foetidissima. Styptic Bur = Priva echinata. Stichwort или Stitchwort 343. Stock Gilliflower 209. Stock Nut 111. Stones 233. Stone Basil 76. Stone-Bramble 304. Stone break 317. Stonecrop 323 и Chenopodium Vulvaria. Stone-Fern 241. Stone Parsley 331. Stone Pine 253, 255. Stone-wort 93. Storax 345. Stork's Bill 136, 244. Strainer-Vine 114. Strangle-Tare 118. Strangleweed 235. Strapwort 110. Strawberry 66, 146, 147. Strawberry-Tree 43. Strong-man's-weed = Petiveria alliacea. Stub-wort 237. Stump Tree 161.
Succory 98. Suffolk-Grass 261. Sugar Apple 37. Sugar-Bean = Phaseolus lunatus. Sugar-Beet-rave = Beta vulgaris rapacea saccharifera. Sugar Cane 308. Sugar Maple 4. Sugar Palm 44. Sugar-Root 332. Sugar-Shell = Tanacetum Balsamita. Sulphur-wort 246. Sultan Flower 90. Sumach 296. Summer Cypress = Kochia scoparia. Summer Pheasant's Eye 10. Sun-Dew 129. Sunflower 77, 163. Sun-Plant = Crotalaria. Sun-Rose 162. Sun-Spurge 140. Sulphur-wort 246, 246. Sultan 138. Sultan-Flower 90. Superb-Lily = Gloriosa. Supple-Jacq = Cardiospermum grandiflorum и Paullinia curassavica. Surinam Medlar = Achras Sapota. Surinam Poison = Tephrosia toxicaria.
Swallowwort 52, 94. Swamp Pea-Tree = Sesbania. Swamp wood 206. Swan-neck = Cycnoches. Sweet Bay 188. Sweet Briar = Rosa rubiginosa. Sweet Broom-weed = Scoparia dulcis. Sweet Buckeye 12. Sweet Cane 8. Sweet Centaury 90. Sweet chervil 222. Sweet Cicely 222, Chaerophyllum aromaticum и Scandix odorata. Sweet Fennel 146. Sweet Flag 8. Sweet Flower 90. Sweet Gale 221. Sweet Leaf = Symplocos. Sweet Marjoram 234. Sweet Maudlin 4. Sweet Milfoil 4. Sweet Pea 187. Sweet Pishamin = Carpodiscus. Sweet Potato 62. Sweet Scabious = Scabiosa atropurpurea. Sweet-scented crab = Pyrus coronaria. Sweet scented-Nutmeg = Pelargonium fragrans. Sweet-scented Verbena = Aloysia. Sweet Sedge. Sweet Seg 8. Sweet Sop 37. Sweet William 329. Sweet Willow 221. Sweet wood, shrubby 30. Sweet-wood Cup 297. Swine-Grass 263. Swine's cress = Senebiera. Swine's Succory 172. Sword Fern = Xiphopteris. Sword Lily 158, 177. Sword Plant = Xyris.
Sycamore 260. Syndaw 20. Syrian Plum Tree = Prunus syriaca. Syrian Rue 244. Syringa. Syringa ot the Garden 248.
Takamahaca-Tree 267. Taliera Palm = Corypha Taliera. Talipot Palm = Corypha. Tall-Oat grass 47. Tallow-Tree = Stillingia sebifera. Tamarisk 347. Tangle = Fucus. Tangier Pea = Lathyrus tingitanus. Tanner's Sumach = Coriaria. Tansey, Tansy 348, 349. Tare 186, 380. Tarragon 48. Tazetta = Narcissus Tazeta.
Tea Tree 353. Teak-Tree, Teak-wood Tectona. Teasel 127. Tentwort 56. Ten-weck-stock 209. Tessel 374. Tetterwort 94. Thicket Rose = Rose dumetorum. Thirlstane 317. Thistle 232. Thorn 112, 113. Thorn Apple 123. Thorny-Plant 139. Thorny Trefoil = Fagonia trifolium. Thorough-wax = Bupleurum. Thorow-wax 73. Thread-moss = Bryum. Throat-root 157. Thrum-wort 27. Thyme 354, 355.
Tick-seed 109. Tiek-seed-Sunflower = Coreopsis. Tiger-Flower = Tigridia. Tile-berry = Iatropha multifida. Tile-Root = Geissorhyza. Timothy-Grass 249. Tine-Tare 187. Tithymal Lettuce = Euphorbia Esula.
Toad Flax 194, 195, 353. Toad-Pipes 134. Toad-Stool 66. Tobacco 226. Tocusso = Eleusine Tocusso. Tolmeneer 125. Tolu-Balsam-Tree = Myrospermum Toluiferum. Tomato 202. Tongue under Tongue 307. Tonquin Bean = Dipterix. Tooth Ache-Tree = Xanthoxylon. Tooth Violet 124. Toothwort 124, 186 и Plumbago scandens. Torchon 114. Torch-Thistle = Cereus. Torch-wood 30. Tormentill 271. Tortoise-Flower = Chelone. Touch-me-not 175. Touch-wood 266. Tower Mustard 365. Town cress 192. Toywort = Capsella bursa pastoris.
Traveller's Joy 103. Treacle-Mustard = Clypeola. Tree-Fungus 66. Tree Lily = Vellosia. Tree Primrose 230. Trefoil 199, 209, 210, 278, 357, 358, 359, 360. Tremate = Baccharis brasiliensis. Trianon = Calendula anemoni. Troll-Flower 364. True Dodder 118. True Love 242. True Cheese l53. True Service 336. Truffle-Tuber 365. Trumpet Flower = Bignonia и Solandra. Trumpet-reed = Arundo occidentalis. Trumpet-Tree = Bignonia.
Tuberoot 104, 320. Tuberose = Polyanthes. Tuft 174. Tulip 365. Tulip-Tree = Lyriodendron. Tun hoof 159. Tupelo-Tree = Nyssa. Turban-top 164. Turf-Hairgrass = Aira caespitosa. Turkey Millet = Holcus Sorghum. Turkey Wood 32. Turk's Cap Cactus = Cactus Melocactus. Turmeric 117 и Sanguinaria. Turnip 69, 70. Turnsole 114. Turpentine = Pistacie. Turpentine-Tree 257. Tussac-Grass 122. Tutsan 33.
Twice-writhen 264. Twopenny-Grass 205.
Umbrella-wort = Oxybaphus.
Underground Kohlrabi 69. Underground Onion = Allium Cepa aggregatum. Unedo-Arbutus 43.
Upas Tree 40.
Valerian 262, 372, 373. Vanglo = Sesamum orientale. Varnish Sumach = Rhus Vernix.
Vegetable Ivory 251. Vegetable Sponge 114. Velvet Bur = Priva echinata. Velvet Flower 27, 347. Velvet Leaf = Cissampelos. Velvet-seed = Guettardia. Vendiam 361. Venetian Sumach или Venice-Sumach 297. Venu's bason 127. Venu's Comb 319. Venu's Fly-Trap = Dionaea. Venu's Golden Locks 56. Venu's Hair 9. Venu's Looking-glass = Specularia Speculum. Venu's Navelwort = Omphalodes. Venu's Sumach 297. Vernal Grass 39. Vervain 376. Vervain Mallow = Alcea (Althaea) rosea. Vetch 186, 379, 380. Vetchling 186.
Victor's Garlick = Allium Victoriale. Vine 72, 383. Vine-Leek = Allium Ampeloprasum. Violet 381, 382. Viper's Bugloss 130. Viper's Grass 321. Virginian Creeper 29. Virginian Golden Rose = Spiraea opulifolia. Virginian Hemp 6. Virginian Poke 251. Virginian Snake root 263. Virginian Snowflower 96. Virginian Sumach = Rhus Typhina. Virgin's Bower 103. Virgin's Mary's Lady's Thistle 330. Virgin Pink = Dianthus virgineus.
Vomic Nut = Strychnos Nux vomica.
Wade 179. Wagwant 70. Waid 292. Wake Pintle 50. Wake Robin 50. Wall Barley 169. Wall-Cress 42. Wall Fern 266. Wallflower 93. Wall-Germander 351. Walllettuce = Prenanthes muralis. Wall-Moss = Bryum. Wall Pepper 324. Wall-Rue 56. Wall-Spleen-wort 56. Wall-wort 313. Walnut Tree 180. Wampee-Tree = Cookia. Warence 302. Warratah = Telopea. Wart-Cress = Senebiera. Warted Buck's horn = Cochlearia. Wartwort 140. Water-Agrimony 65. Water-Avens 157. Water Bean 224. Water Blinks 218. Water Balsam = Tytonia. Water Beech 260. Water Betony 322. Water Caltrops 356, 357. Water-Cane 228. Water Chick-weed 218. Water Cress 223. Water-Dock 306. Water Dropwort 229. Water Featherfoil 170. Water-Fennel 230. Water-Fern 236. Water Figwort 322. Water-Flag 178. Water Germander 351. Water-Gilliflower 170. Water Gladiole 74. Water Hairgrass 159. Water Hemlock 98, 230. Water Hemp 65. Water Herb = Rhynchosia. Water Hip-wort = Hydrocotyle. Water Horehound 204. Water Horsetail 93. Water Leaf = Hydrophyllum. Water Lemon = Passiflora laurifolia. Water Lily 228, 229. Water Melon 37, 114. Water Milfoil 170, 221. Water Navel-wort = Hydrocotyle. Water Oat 385. Water-Parsnep 332. Water Pepper 265. Water Pimpinell 314, 376. Water Plantain 21. Water Reed 51. Wather Rocket 224. Water Soldier 344. Water Sorrel = Rumex aquaticus. Water Spike 269. Water Spurge = Euphorbia Paralias. Water Starwort 77. Water-Torch 367. Water Trefoil 216. Water Vine = Doliocarpus и Leea. Water-Violet 170. Water-wort 131. Wattle-wood = Laetia Thamnia. Watt-Salad 368. Wax-Cup = Calycera. Wax-Flower = Cerinthe. Wax-Palm = Ceroxylon. Wax-work 89. Way-Barley 169. Way-Bread 259. Wayfaring Tree 378. Way-Thorn 293. Waw-wow = Rajania.
Weasel Snout 150. Weeping Willow = Salix babylonica. Weg-wood 50. Welcome to our House 139. Welsh-Nut 180. West Indian Alder tree = Conocarpus erectus. West Indian Bark = Exostemma Caribaeum. West Indian Birch = Bursera gummifera. West Indian Cherry = Malpighia. West Indian Honey suckle = Tecoma capensis. West Indian Lilac = Melia sempervirens. West-Indian Tea 82. Weymouth Fir 256.
Whead 361, 362, 363. Whine 367. Whipcord plant = Scuticaria. Whiptongue 152. White and black Candlewood 30. White Beam-Tree 336. White Ben 330. White Bitterwood = Trichia spondoides. White Bottle 330. White Cajeput-Tree = Melaleuca Leucadendron. White Cedar 354. White Clover 360. White French Sugar Beet-rave = Сахарная свекла. White Garden = Graptophyllum hortense. White Gentian 186. White Hawthorn = Pyrus Aria. White Head = Parthenium hysterophorum. White Ipecacuanha = Richardsonia scabra. White Leaf Tree 336. White Musk 223. White Poplar 267. White Rot 107, 252. White Thorn 112, 293. White Vine 72. White Woodbark 81. White-wort 107. White-wind 107. Whitlow-grass 128. Whortle berry 237, 371, 372. Why-Troot 252.
Widow's Wail = Cneorum. Wild Ananas = Bromelia Pinguin. Wild Basil 76. Wild Berry 276. Wild Bugloss 204. Wild Clary 312. Wild Cicely 40. Wild Climber 103. Wild Coffee = Faramea odoratissima. Wild Cotton 136. Wild Currant 297. Wild Germander = Veronica Chamaedrys. Wild Gingar 51. Wild Grass 136. Wild Jasmine = Faramea odoratissima. Wild Indigo 29. Wild Liquorice 1. Wild Marsh Beet 342. Wild Myrtle 306. Wild Olive 131. Wild Olive Sumach 297. Wild Ochra = Malachra. Wild Orange = Drypetes. Wild Potatoe = Ipomaea fastigiata. Wild Pear 28, 336. Wild Pine = Pinus Pinaster. Wild Physic Nut = Euphorbia punicea. Wild Plantain = Heliconia Bihai. Wild Rattan = Flagellaria indica. Wild Rice 385. Wild Rose = Blakea. Wild Rosemary 32, 189. Wild Rosmary 32. Wild Sage = Lantana. Wild Service 336, 337. Wild Sorrel 237. Wild Spinage = Chenopodium (Blitum) rubrum. Wild Squirting Cucumber 218. Wild Tansy 270. Wild-William 201. Wild Wood 292. Wild Wormwood = Parthenium hysterophorum. Will o the wisp 227. Willow 309, 310, 311. Willow Herb 132, 133, 206. Willow-Thorn 168. Wind 177. Windflower 33, 34, 35, 155. Windlestraw 18, 120. Window-stock = Mathiola fenestralis. Wind-Seed = Arctotis. Wine-Palm = Oenocarpus. Winged Pea 351. Winter Aconite 135. Winter Berry = Prinos. Winter Cherry 250, 251. Winter Cress 61. Winter Gilliflower = Cheiranthus fruticulosus. Wintergreen 281, 357. Winter Rocket 61. Wire-Bent 223. Wire-Grass = Paspalum filiforme. Wise man's Plantain Tree = Musa Sapientum. Witch's Butter 227. Witch Hazel = Hamamelis. Withy 309.
Woad 179. Wolf's Bane 6, 7, 8. Wolf's Claw 203. Wolf's Peach = Solanum Lycopersicum. Wolf's Poison 7. Womit-Nut 345. Wood Apple = Feronia. Wood-Anemone 34, 35. Wood-Betony 64. Wood Bine = Lonicera. Wood Cromfoot 34. Wood-Grass 200. Wood-Lily 106. Wood Nightshade 334. Wood-roof 53, 54. Woodruff = Asperula. Woodrush 200. Wood-snow-drop 35. Wood-Sorrel 237, 305. Wood-tongue = Drymoglossum, Wood-waxen = Genista tinctoria. Wool-Blade 374. Worm-Bark Tree = Geoffroya inermis. Wormgrass. Worm seed = Spigelia. Wormwood 47. Woundwort 40, 186, 341, 344.
Wych-Elm 368. Wych-Hazel 368. Wymote 26.
Yacca Tree = Podocarpus Coriacea. Yam 126. Yambean = Dolichos tuberosus. Yarrow 5.
Year Bean = Phaseolus vulgaris. Yellow Balm = Croton flavens. Yellow Berry 294. Yellow Iris 178. Yellow Thistle 44. Yellow Rattle 295, 296. Yellow Rocket 61. Yellow Root = Hydrastis и Xanthorhiza. Yellow Sanders = Bucida capitata. Yellow Star = (Ornithogalum) Gagea lutea. Yellow Succory = Picris hieracioides. Yellow Tamarind = Acacia villosa. Yellow Vetch = Lathyrus Aphaca. Yellow weed 292. Yellow wort 96. Yew leaved Fir = Pinus (Abies) Picea. Yew Tree 350.
Yorkshire Sanicle = Pinguicula. Youngh Fustick 297. Youth wort 129.
Zaragoza Maugrove = Conocarpus erectus.
Zebrawood = Eugenia fragrans. Zedoary 118. Zezegany = Sesamum orientale. Zelcowa Tree 258.
Zizag-Trefoil 359.