170. Water Gladiole 74. Water Hairgrass 159. Water Hemlock 98, 230. Water Hemp 65. Water Herb = Rhynchosia. Water Hip-wort = Hydrocotyle. Water Horehound 204. Water Horsetail 93. Water Leaf = Hydrophyllum. Water Lemon = Passiflora laurifolia. Water Lily 228, 229. Water Melon 37, 114. Water Milfoil 170, 221. Water Navel-wort = Hydrocotyle. Water Oat 385. Water-Parsnep 332. Water Pepper 265. Water Pimpinell 314, 376. Water Plantain 21. Water Reed 51. Wather Rocket 224. Water Soldier 344. Water Sorrel = Rumex aquaticus. Water Spike 269. Water Spurge = Euphorbia Paralias. Water Starwort 77. Water-Torch 367. Water Trefoil 216. Water Vine = Doliocarpus и Leea. Water-Violet 170. Water-wort 131. Wattle-wood = Laetia Thamnia. Watt-Salad 368. Wax-Cup = Calycera. Wax-Flower = Cerinthe. Wax-Palm = Ceroxylon. Wax-work 89. Way-Barley 169. Way-Bread 259. Wayfaring Tree 378. Way-Thorn 293. Waw-wow = Rajania.
Weasel Snout 150. Weeping Willow = Salix babylonica. Weg-wood 50. Welcome to our House 139. Welsh-Nut 180. West Indian Alder tree = Conocarpus erectus. West Indian Bark = Exostemma Caribaeum. West Indian Birch = Bursera gummifera. West Indian Cherry = Malpighia. West Indian Honey suckle = Tecoma capensis. West Indian Lilac = Melia sempervirens. West-Indian Tea 82. Weymouth Fir 256.
Whead 361, 362, 363. Whine 367. Whipcord plant = Scuticaria. Whiptongue 152. White and black Candlewood 30. White Beam-Tree 336. White Ben 330. White Bitterwood = Trichia spondoides. White Bottle 330. White Cajeput-Tree = Melaleuca Leucadendron. White Cedar 354. White Clover 360. White French Sugar Beet-rave = Сахарная свекла. White Garden = Graptophyllum hortense. White Gentian 186. White Hawthorn = Pyrus Aria. White Head = Parthenium hysterophorum. White Ipecacuanha = Richardsonia scabra. White Leaf Tree 336. White Musk 223. White Poplar 267. White Rot 107, 252. White Thorn 112, 293. White Vine 72. White Woodbark 81. White-wort 107. White-wind 107. Whitlow-grass 128. Whortle berry 237, 371, 372. Why-Troot 252.
Widow's Wail = Cneorum. Wild Ananas = Bromelia Pinguin. Wild Basil 76. Wild Berry 276. Wild Bugloss 204. Wild Clary 312. Wild Cicely 40. Wild Climber 103. Wild Coffee = Faramea odoratissima. Wild Cotton 136. Wild Currant 297. Wild Germander = Veronica Chamaedrys. Wild Gingar 51. Wild Grass 136. Wild Jasmine = Faramea odoratissima. Wild Indigo 29. Wild Liquorice 1. Wild Marsh Beet 342. Wild Myrtle 306. Wild Olive 131. Wild Olive Sumach 297. Wild Ochra = Malachra. Wild Orange = Drypetes. Wild Potatoe = Ipomaea fastigiata. Wild Pear 28, 336. Wild Pine = Pinus Pinaster. Wild Physic Nut = Euphorbia punicea. Wild Plantain = Heliconia Bihai. Wild Rattan = Flagellaria indica. Wild Rice 385. Wild Rose = Blakea. Wild Rosemary 32, 189. Wild Rosmary 32. Wild Sage = Lantana. Wild Service 336, 337. Wild Sorrel 237. Wild Spinage = Chenopodium (Blitum) rubrum. Wild Squirting Cucumber 218. Wild Tansy 270. Wild-William 201. Wild Wood 292. Wild Wormwood = Parthenium hysterophorum. Will o the wisp 227. Willow 309, 310, 311. Willow Herb 132, 133, 206. Willow-Thorn 168. Wind 177. Windflower 33, 34, 35, 155. Windlestraw 18, 120. Window-stock = Mathiola fenestralis. Wind-Seed = Arctotis. Wine-Palm = Oenocarpus. Winged Pea 351. Winter Aconite 135. Winter Berry = Prinos. Winter Cherry 250, 251. Winter Cress 61. Winter Gilliflower = Cheiranthus fruticulosus. Wintergreen 281, 357. Winter Rocket 61. Wire-Bent 223. Wire-Grass = Paspalum filiforme. Wise man's Plantain Tree = Musa Sapientum. Witch's Butter 227. Witch Hazel = Hamamelis. Withy 309.
Woad 179. Wolf's Bane 6, 7, 8. Wolf's Claw 203. Wolf's Peach = Solanum Lycopersicum. Wolf's Poison 7. Womit-Nut 345. Wood Apple = Feronia. Wood-Anemone 34, 35. Wood-Betony 64. Wood Bine = Lonicera. Wood Cromfoot 34. Wood-Grass 200. Wood-Lily 106. Wood Nightshade 334. Wood-roof 53, 54. Woodruff = Asperula. Woodrush 200. Wood-snow-drop 35. Wood-Sorrel 237, 305. Wood-tongue = Drymoglossum, Wood-waxen = Genista tinctoria. Wool-Blade 374. Worm-Bark Tree = Geoffroya inermis. Wormgrass. Worm seed = Spigelia. Wormwood 47. Woundwort 40, 186, 341, 344.
Wych-Elm 368. Wych-Hazel 368. Wymote 26.