218 и Alsine, Arenaria rubra, Holosteum и Trientalis europaea. Chicory 98. Chily Pepper 82. China-Aster 66. China-Fir = Cunninghamia. China Grass 66. China-Pink = Dianthus chinensis. China-Root 333. China-Wythe = Smilax Balbisiana. Chinese Air-plant = Renanthera coccinea. Chinese Anise 175. Chinese Apple = Pyrus spectabilis. Chinese Corn = Panicum italicum. Chinese Moxa = Artemisia judaica, Art. chinensis. Chinese Rose = Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Chiwes 23. Chocolat-Tree 353. Choko = Sechium. Christmas Hulst 174. Christmas Pride = Ruellia paniculata. Christ's Eye = Inulus Oculus Christi. Christ's Ladder 138. Christ's Thorn 239, 386. Churn-staff 140.
Cicely 40, 319. Cichory 98. Ciderage 265. Cinnamon Apple 37. Cinnamon bark 99. Cinnamon Rose = Rosa cinnamomea. Cinnamon wood 316. Cinquefoil 105, 269. Cipre = Cordia gerascanthoides. Citrul = Citrullus, Cucumis citrullus. Cives 23. Civet-tree = Durio zibethinus.
Clammy Cherry = Cordia Colococca. Clammy Cerastium 92. Clary 312, 313. Cleavers 151. Climber 103. Climbing 151. Climbing Nightshade = Basella 71. Climbing Sorrel = Begonia scandens. Climbing Staff Tree 89. Climbing Vine = Psychotria parasitica. Clog-weed 165. Close sciences 166. Clot-bur 185, 292. Clot-weed 384. Cloud berry 303. Clove 87. Cloven Berry-bush = Samyda serrulata. Clove Gilliflower 125. Clove Pink 125. Clove Strip = Jussieua repens. Clove-Tree 87. Clover 357, 358, 359, 360. Clower-Flower 360. Clown's all-heal 341. Clown's Lungwort 186. Club-Moss 203. Club-Palm = Cordyline. Club-rush 131, 319, 320. Club-top = Clavaria. Cluster wild Pine 255.
Cobweb = Ophrys arachnites. Coccomilla = Prunus Coccomilla. Cockle 197. Cockles 103. Cockle-weed 201. Cock's comb 89, 89, 231, 296. Cock's comb-grass 120. Cock's foot 121, 239. Cock's foot-grass 122. Cock's head 231. Cockspur = Aristolochia rotunda, Mespilus Crus-galli, Ranunculus bulbosus и Pisonia aculeata. Cockspur Pepper 83. Cockweed = Pimpinella saxifraga. Cocoa-Nut-Tree = Cocos. Cocoa Plum = Chrysobalanus. Cocoa Tree = Theobroma. Coco-weed Inga. Coffea-tree 104, 161. Cogwood-Tree = Laurus Chloroxylon. Cohune-nut = Attalea Cohune. Col 109. Cole 69. Colic-Wort 69. Colocynth 115. Colt's-Foot 51, 365, 366. Columba = Cocculus palmatus. Columbine 42, 42. Comfrey 345. Common Dulse = Halymenia. Common Sage 312. Common Thrift 46. Congo-Mahoe = Hibiscus clypeatus. Consound 19, 345, 346, Consound of Sarracens 335. Contrayerva-Root 44. Convallary 105. Conval-Lily 106. Coolt's foot 365; alpine 74. Coop weed = Centaurea nigrescens. Copaiva-tree = Copaifera officinalis. Coratoe = Agave. Coral-orchis = Corallorhiza. Coral-tree. Coral-wood = Erythrina Corallodendron. Coral-wort 124. Coriar's Sumach 296. Cork oak. Cork-Tree 289. Cork-wood = Ochroma Lagopus. Corn common 241. Corn Basil = Thymus Acinos. Corn Bellflower = Viola campestris. Cornberries 237. Corn-Campion 201. Corn Cockle 201. Corn Fevefew 209. Corn-Flag 158, 178. Corn-Flower 90. Corn-Grass 17. Corn-Marigold 97. Corn-Rose-Companion 201. Corn-Panic-Grass = Panicum frumentaceum. Corn-Pimpernell 31. Corn-Poppy 241. Corn-Salad 373. Cornel 109, 110. Cornellian Cherry Tree 109. Coromantee Drummwood = Turpinia occidentalis. Corone-Cherry 274. Cost-mary 348. Cotgrave 95. Cotton-Mullein = Verbascum gossypinum. Cotton-Rose 145. Cottons-Grass 136. Cotton Thistle 232. Cotton-Tree 160, 260, 268. Cotton-weed 145, 160. Couch-Grass 362. Couch-wheat 362. Cough-wort 366. Couhage-cherry = Malpighia urens. Courgourde 116. Coventry-bell 81. Coventry Rapes 80. Cow-bane 98. Cow-berry 372. Cowdie Pine = Dammara australis. Cowflop 126. Cowgrass 359. Cowhage 219. Cow Herb 316. Cow Itch 219. Cow Itch-cherry = Malpighia urens. Cow Plant = Gymnema. Cow Parsley 40. Cow Parsnip 165, 165. Cow-Quake 70. Cow Quaquin-Grass 70. Cowrie Pine = Dammara australis. Cow Slip = Dodecatheon. True Cow-slip = Primula elatior. Cow-Tree 149. Cow's Lip (Lap, Lop) 272, 273; french, mountain, true 272; Jerusalem 279. Cow's Lungwort 374. Cow's Quakes 338. Cowweed 40. Cowwheat 141, 211.
Crab-grass 17, 308. Crab-wood = Carapa guianensis. Cracca 379. Crack Willow 310. Cracke berry 132. Crambling Rocket 331. Cranberry 237. Crane's Bill 136, 155. Crappe 197. Creping Bent 17. Creeping Loosestrife 205. Creeping Soft-grass 169. Cress 174 и Lepidium. Cress-Rocket = Vella. Crest-Marine = Crithmum maritinum. Crickweed 343. Crinum Lily = Crinum. Crom-Foot 34. Crook-Neck 116. Cross-Flower 263. Cross of Jerusalem 200. Crosswort 152, 154 и Crucianella. Crow berry 132. Crow-Flower 201, 290. Crow-foot 289, 290, 291 и Ranunc. bulbosus. Crown-Palm =