Эмма Гольдман
Эмма Гольдман |
Красная Эмма |
р. 27 июня 1869 года, Каунас, Российская Империя |
ум. 14 мая 1940 года, Торонто, Онтарио, Канада |
известная за свои речи и тексты анархистка, сыгравшая ключевую роль в развитии анархической политической философии США и Европы в первой половине двадцатого столетия. |
править- Anarchism and Other Essays (1911)
- The Social Significance of the Modern Drama (1914)
- My Disillusionment in Russia (1923)
- My Further Disillusionment in Russia (1924)
- Living My Life (1931)
править- Anarchy and the Sex Question (September 27, 1896)
- Anarchy Defended by Anarchists (with John Most) (October 1896)
- The Tragedy at Buffalo, 1901
- What I Believe (July 19, 1908)
- A New Declaration of Independence (July 1909)
- Ross Winn's Obituary (September 1912)
- The Failure of Christianity (April 1913)
- Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter (December 1915)
- The Philosophy of Atheism (February 1916)
править- We Don't Believe In Conscription (May 18, 1917)
- Speech from a Meeting of No-Conscription League (June 4, 1917)
- Speech Against Conscription and War (June 14, 1917)
- Address to the Jury in U.S. v. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman (July 9, 1917)
- Deportation Its Meaning and Menace: Last Message to the People of America (with Alexander Berkman) (December, 1919)
- Durruti is Dead, Yet Living (1936)
править- Down With the Anarchists! (with Alexander Berkman) (191?)
- Syndicalism: The Modern Menace to Capitalism (1913)
править- Mother Earth (magazine) (March 1906 - August 1917)
- The Truth About the Bolsheviki (1918)
- The Individual, Society and the State by the Free Society Forum, Chicago, Illinois in 1940.
См. также
править- In Defense of Emma Goldman by Voltairine de Cleyre
- Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Alexander Berkman (в которых Гольдман упоминается, хоть и не по имени)
Статьи в "New York Times" о Эмме Гольдман
править- "Anarchists Demand Strike To End War" (May 19, 1917)
- "Meeting of Reds Traps Slackers" (June 12, 1917)
- "Emma Goldman and A. Berkman Behind the Bars" (June 16, 1917)
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