Обсуждение:Очарованный странник (Лесков)
Последнее сообщение: 8 лет назад от Badger M.
Chapter 1 has not a single "ё" and in one place the word "Пк" appears, which I think should be "ёк". However, chapter 2 has many "ё". What is the overall quality of this e-text? --LA2 (обсуждение) 20:02, 21 августа 2016 (UTC)
- Definitely, "Пк" should be "ёк" (corrected). You can check it at another edition (for example: Страница:Полное_собрание_сочинений_Н._С._Лескова._Т._5_(1902).pdf/12 and so on). The printed source of this e-text is this book (or link 2), as was mentioned in description.
(opinion) May be, this e-text need some additional proof-reading (?) Or, may be, another verifiable source (in the new orthography) for this e-text would be a better decision. -- Badger M. (обсуждение) 23:01, 21 августа 2016 (UTC)