- Викитека:Песочница/ДС
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС/1
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС/А8
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС-1
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС-2
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС-3
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС-4
- Викитека:Песочница/ДС-Словарь Даля. Содержание
« | Hing, to hang.
Hirple, to move unevenly; to limp. Hissels, so many cattle as one person can attend (R. B.). Histie, bare. Hizzie, a hussy, a wench. Hoast, cough. |
» |
« | Hing, to hang.
Hirple, to move unevenly; to limp. Hissels, so many cattle as one person can attend (R. B.). Histie, bare. Hizzie, a hussy, a wench. Hoast, cough. |
» |
правитьScotts | English | Русский | |
аб | а, об, про |
! Scotts !! English !! Русский
All, Al, a., n., and adv. Also: ale, alle; awl; aw(e; a.
[ME. all, al, ONhb. all (WS. eall). In later Sc. the l was vocalized, giving the forms aw and a, current in the modern dialects.] A. adj. 1. With singular nouns: a. All; the whole of.
Шотландско-англо-русский словарь |
Scotts | English | Русский |
A', All, Al, ale, alle; awl; aw(e) | all; the whole of | все, всё |
Abac, Aback, A-back, abake, abaik | Aback, backwards, back again, behind, away, aloof | вдали, прочь, назад, в стороне, |
Abiegh, Abeich, Abeech, Abigh, Abieght | Aloof, aside, away, apart from others, off | в стороне, на некотором расстоянии, отдалении |
Ablins, Aiblins, Yiblins, Eablins, Yeblins | perhaps | возможно, может быть |
Aboon Abune, Abuin, Abeun, Abön, Abeen, Abin | above, up, overhead, in the sky, in heaven; in the upper storey; higher up a valley or river | сверху, выше, над, над головой, в небе |
Abread, Abrede, Abreid, Abbreid | abroad; in wider stretch, wide, apart, open | за границей, вне дома; широкий, просторный, обширный, в стороне, обособленно |
Abreed, Abrede, Abreid | In wider stretch, wide, apart, open, in breadth; Over a wide area, abroad; To pieces, in pieces. | в ширину; на большей территории; на куски |
Ae, Yae, a’e, ee, yeh, ya, eäe | one | один |
Aff | off | от, за, прочь, долой, лалеко, и т. д. |
Aff-hand | at once | сразу |
Aff-loof | offhand | бесцеремонно, грубо, экспромтом, тотчас |
A-fiel | afield | за границей, вдали, вдалеке, в стороне, вдаль, за пределами; в поле, на поле |
Afore | before | перед, до |
Aft | oft | часто |
Aften | often | часто |
Agley | awry | кривой, косой, неправильный, нехороший; криво, косо |
Ahin | behind | позади |
Aiblins | perhaps | возможно, может быть |
Aidle | foul water | воза, засорённая нечистотами |
Aik | oak | дуб |
Aiken | oaken | дубовый, солидный, мощный, крепкий |
Ain | own | собственный |
Air | early | рано, ранний |
Airle | earnest money | (денежный) задаток |
Airn | iron | железо, железный |
Airt | direction | направление |
Airt | to direct | направлять |
Aith | oath | клятва, присяга, богохульство |
Aits | oats | овёс, овсяное зерно |
Aiver | an old horse | кляча, старая лошадь |
Aizle | a cinder | зола, шлак, тлеющие угли |
A-jee, ajar | to one side, aside, off the straight | в сторону |
Alake | alas | увы |
Alane | alone | один, одинокий |
Alang | along | вдоль |
Amaist | almost | почти |
Amang | among | среди |
An | if | если |
An’ | and | и |
Ance | once | однажды |
Ane | one | один |
Aneath | beneath | внизу, ниже |
Anis, Anes, Ance, adv. Also: anys (aanys), aneis, annis, annes; ainis, aynis; aines, aynes; anse, ans, ains, aens, ens. | one time only; on or for but one occasion; once | однажды |
Anither | another | другой |
Aqua-fontis | spring water | ключевая вода |
Aquavite, -vytie, n. Also: aquavitae, -vitte, -wite, -wyte, -vitey, -vitye, -vetie, -vyttie, -wyttie; acquavitie, -y, -vittie, -vytie, -witie, accquauitie; accavytie, acavite, aquavite, L. aqua vītæ, Iskie-bae | ‘water of life’ = whisky | виски |
ARLE, ERL, ERRLE, airle | Engage for service or confirm a bargain by payment of a sum. Most common modern use of word; Secure a right to anything by some preliminary action or service; Punish, thrash | Нанимать на службу; Гарантировать; Наказать, карать, налагать взыскание |
Ase | ashes | пепел |
Asklent | askew, askance | косой, криой, косо, криво |
ASPAR, ASPERR | Apart, aspread, with legs apart. | в сторону, раздельно, порознь |
Asteer | astir | взволнованный, возбуждённый, находящийся в движении |
A’thegither | altogether | целое, совокупности; вполне, совсем, совершенно |
Athort, athowrt, athourt, athourcht, -tht, athowrtht, athorte, athortt, athoirt (athrocht, a quhort) | across, from one side of a place (or thing) to the other | поперёк, через |
Atweel | in truth | действительно, в самом деле, в действительности; по правде говоря |
Atween | between | между |
Aught | eight | восемь |
Aught | possessed of | владеющий, обладающий |
Aughten | eighteen | восемнадцать |
Aughtlins | at all | совсем |
Auld | old | старый |
Auldfarran, auldfarrant | shrewd, old-fashioned, sagacious | проницательный, тонкий, трезвый, понятливый, старомодный, устарелый |
Auld Reekie | Edinburgh | Эдинбург |
Ava', Awa | in whole, at all | в целом, совсем |
Auld-warld, old-world. Aumous, alms. Ava, at all. Awa, away. Awald, backways and doubled up. Awauk, awake. Awauken, awaken. Awe, owe. Awkart, awkward. Awnie, bearded. Ayont, beyond.
Robert Burns (1759–1796). Poems and Songs.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
A’, all.
A-back, behind, away.
Abiegh, aloof, off.
Ablins, v. aiblins.
Aboon, above up.
Abread, abroad.
Abreed, in breadth.
Ae, one.
Aff, off.
Aff-hand, at once.
Aff-loof, offhand.
A-fiel, afield.
Afore, before.
Aft, oft.
Aften, often.
Agley, awry.
Ahin, behind.
Aiblins, perhaps.
Aidle, foul water.
Aik, oak.
Aiken, oaken.
Ain, own.
Air, early.
Airle, earnest money.
Airn, iron.
Airt, direction.
Airt, to direct.
Aith, oath.
Aits, oats.
Aiver, an old horse.
Aizle, a cinder.
A-jee, ajar; to one side.
Alake, alas.
Alane, alone.
Alang, along.
Amaist, almost.
Amang, among.
An, if.
An’, and.
Ance, once.
Ane, one.
Aneath, beneath.
Anes, ones.
Anither, another.
Aqua-fontis, spring water.
Aqua-vit&æ, whiskey.
Arle, v. airle.
Ase, ashes.
Asklent, askew, askance.
Aspar, aspread.
Asteer, astir.
A’thegither, altogether.
Athort, athwart.
Atweel, in truth.
Atween, between.
Aught, eight.
Aught, possessed of.
Aughten, eighteen.
Aughtlins, at all.
Auld, old.
Auldfarran, auldfarrant, shrewd, old-fashioned, sagacious.
Auld Reekie, Edinburgh.
Auld-warld, old-world.
Aumous, alms.
Ava, at all.
Awa, away.
Awald, backways and doubled up.
Awauk, awake.
Awauken, awaken.
Awe, owe.
Awkart, awkward.
Awnie, bearded.
Ayont, beyond.
Ba’, a ball. Backet, bucket, box. Backit, backed. Backlins-comin, coming back. Back-yett, gate at the back. Bade, endured. Bade, asked. Baggie, stomach. Baig’nets, bayonets. Baillie, magistrate of a Scots burgh. Bainie, bony. Bairn, child. Bairntime, brood. Baith, both. Bakes, biscuits. Ballats, ballads. Balou, lullaby.
Ban, swear. Ban’, band (of the Presbyterian clergyman). Bane, bone. Bang, an effort; a blow; a large number. Bang, to thump. Banie, v. bainie. Bannet, bonnet. Bannock, bonnock, a thick oatmeal cake. Bardie, dim. of bard. Barefit, barefooted. Barket, barked. Barley-brie, or bree, barley-brew-ale or whiskey. Barm, yeast. Barmie, yeasty. Barn-yard, stackyard. Bartie, the Devil. Bashing, abashing. Batch, a number. Batts, the botts; the colic. Bauckie-bird, the bat. Baudrons, Baudrans, the cat. Bauk, cross-beam. Bauk, v. bawk. Bauk-en’, beam-end. Bauld, bold. Bauldest, boldest. Bauldly, boldly. Baumy, balmy. Bawbee, a half-penny. Bawdrons, v. baudrons. Bawk, a field path. Baws’nt, white-streaked. Bear, barley. Beas’, beasts, vermin. Beastie, dim. of beast. Beck, a curtsy. Beet, feed, kindle. Beild, v. biel. Belang, belong. Beld, bald. Bellum, assault. Bellys, bellows. Belyve, by and by. Ben, a parlor (i. e., the inner apartment); into the parlor. Benmost, inmost. Be-north, to the northward of. Be-south, to the southward of. Bethankit, grace after meat. Beuk, a book: devil’s pictur’d beuks—playing-cards. Bicker, a wooden cup. Bicker, a short run. Bicker, to flow swiftly and with a slight noise. Bickerin, noisy contention. Bickering, hurrying. Bid, to ask, to wish, to offer. Bide, abide, endure. Biel, bield, a shelter; a sheltered spot. Biel, comfortable. Bien, comfortable. Bien, bienly, comfortably. Big, to build. Biggin, building. Bike, v. byke. Bill, the bull. Billie, fellow, comrade, brother. Bings, heaps. Birdie, dim. of bird; also maidens. Birk, the birch. Birken, birchen. Birkie, a fellow. Birr, force, vigor. Birring, whirring. Birses, bristles. Birth, berth. Bit, small (e.g., bit lassie). Bit, nick of time. Bitch-fou, completely drunk. Bizz, a flurry. Bizz, buzz. Bizzard, the buzzard. Bizzie, busy. Black-bonnet, the Presbyterian elder. Black-nebbit, black-beaked. Blad, v. blaud. Blae, blue, livid. Blastet, blastit, blasted. Blastie, a blasted (i. e., damned) creature; a little wretch. Blate, modest, bashful. Blather, bladder. Blaud, a large quantity. Blaud, to slap, pelt. Blaw, blow. Blaw, to brag. Blawing, blowing. Blawn, blown. Bleer, to blear. Bleer’t, bleared. Bleeze, blaze. Blellum, a babbler; a railer; a blusterer. Blether, blethers, nonsense. Blether, to talk nonsense. Bletherin’, talking nonsense. Blin’, blind. Blink, a glance, a moment.
Blink, to glance, to shine. Blinkers, spies, oglers. Blinkin, smirking, leering. Blin’t, blinded. Blitter, the snipe. Blue-gown, the livery of the licensed beggar. Bluid, blood. Bluidy, bloody. Blume, to bloom. Bluntie, a stupid. Blypes, shreds. Bobbed, curtsied. Bocked, vomited. Boddle, a farthing. Bode, look for. Bodkin, tailor’s needle. Body, bodie, a person. Boggie, dim. of bog. Bogle, a bogie, a hobgoblin. Bole, a hole, or small recess in the wall. Bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful. Bonilie, prettily. Bonnock, v. Bannock. ’Boon, above. Boord, board, surface. Boord-en’, board-end. Boortress, elders. Boost, must needs. Boot, payment to the bargain. Bore, a chink, recess. Botch, an angry tumor. Bouk, a human trunk; bulk. Bountith, bounty. ’Bout, about. Bow-hough’d, bandy-thighed. Bow-kail, cabbage. Bow’t, bent. Brachens, ferns. Brae, the slope of a hill. Braid, broad. Broad-claith, broad-cloth. Braik, a harrow. Braing’t, plunged. Brak, broke. Brak’s, broke his. Brankie, gay, fine. Branks, a wooden curb, a bridle. Bran’y, brandy. Brash, short attack. Brats, small pieces, rags. Brats, small children. Brattle, a scamper. Brattle, noisy onset. Braw, handsome, fine, gaily dressed. Brawlie, finely, perfectly, heartily. Braxies, sheep that have died of braxie (a disease). Breastie, dim. of breast. Breastit, sprang forward. Brechan, ferns. Breeks, breeches. Breer, brier. Brent, brand. Brent, straight, steep (i. e., not sloping from baldness). Brie, v. barley-brie. Brief, writ. Brier, briar. Brig, bridge. Brisket, breast. Brither, brother. Brock, a badger. Brogue, a trick. Broo, soup, broth, water; liquid in which anything is cooked. Brooses, wedding races from the church to the home of the bride. Brose, a thick mixture of meal and warm water; also a synonym for porridge. Browster wives, ale wives. Brugh, a burgh. Brulzie, brulyie, a brawl. Brunstane, brimstone. Brunt, burned. Brust, burst. Buckie, dim. of buck; a smart younker. Buckle, a curl. Buckskin, Virginian: the buckskin kye, negroes. Budget, tinker’s bag of tools. Buff, to bang, to thump. Bughtin, folding. Buirdly, stalwart. Bum, the buttocks. Bum, to hum. Bum-clock, beetle, cockchafer, Junebug. Bummle, a drone, a useless fellow. Bunker, a seat. Bunters, harlots. Burdies, dim. of bird or burd (a lady); maidens. Bure, bore. Burn, a rivulet. Burnewin, the blacksmith (i. e., burn the wind). Burnie, dim. of burn, a rivulet. Burr-thistle, spear-thistle. Busk, to dress; to garb; to dress up; to adorn.
Buss, a bush. Bussle, bustle. But, without. But, butt, in the kitchen (i. e., the outer apartment). By, past, aside. By, beside. By himsel, beside himself. Bye attour (i. e., by and attour), beside and at a distance. Byke, a bees’ nest; a hive; a swarm; a crowd. Byre, a cow-house.
Ca’, call, knock, drive. Cadger, a hawker (especially of fish). Cadie, caddie, a fellow. Caff, chaff. Caird, a tinker. Calf-ward, grazing plot for calves (i. e., churchyard). Callan, callant, a stripling. Caller, cool, refreshing. Callet, a trull. Cam, came. Canie, cannie, gentle, tractable, quiet, prudent, careful. Cankrie, crabbed. Canna, can not. Canniest, quietest. Cannilie, cannily, quietly, prudently, cautiously. Cantie, cheerful, lively, jolly, merry. Cantraip, magic, witching. Cants, merry stories, canters or sprees or merry doings. Cape-stanc, copestone. Capon, castrate. Care na by, do not care. Carl, carle, a man, an old man. Carl-hemp, male-hemp. Carlie, a manikin. Carlin, carline, a middle-aged, or old, woman; a beldam, a witch. Carmagnole, a violent Jacobin. Cartes, playing-cards. Cartie, dim. of cart. Catch-the-plack, the hunt for money. Caudron, a caldron. Cauf, calf. Cauf-leather, calf-leather. Cauk, chalk. Cauld, cold. Cauldron, caldron. Caup, a wooden drinking vessel. Causey-cleaners, causeway-cleaners. Cavie, a hen-coop. Chamer, chaumer, chamber. Change-house, tavern. Chanter, bagpipes; the pipe of the bag-pipes which produces the melody; song. Chap, a fellow, a young fellow. Chap, to strike. Chapman, a pedler. Chaup, chap, a stroke, a blow. Chear, cheer. Chearfu’, cheerful. Chearless, cheerless. Cheary, cheery. Cheek-for-chow, cheek-by-jowl (i. e., close beside). Cheep, peep, squeak. Chiel, chield (i. e., child), a fellow, a young fellow. Chimla, chimney. Chittering, shivering. Chows, chews. Chuck, a hen, a dear. Chuckie, dim. of chuck, but usually signifies mother hen, an old dear. Chuffie, fat-faced. Chuse, to choose. Cit, the civet. Cit, a citizen, a merchant. Clachan, a small village about a church. Claeding, clothing. Claes, claise, clothes. Claith, cloth. Claithing, clothing. Clankie, a severe knock. Clap, the clapper of a mill. Clark, a clerk. Clark, clerkly, scholarly. Clarkit, clerked, wrote. Clarty, dirty. Clash, an idle tale; gossip. Clash, to tattle. Clatter, noise, tattle, talk, disputation, babble. Clatter, to make a noise by striking; to babble; to prattle. Claught, clutched, seized. Claughtin, clutching, grasping. Claut, a clutch, a handful. Claut, to scrape. Claver, clover. Clavers, gossip, nonsense. Claw, a scratch, a blow. Claw, to scratch, to strike.
Clay-cauld, clay-cold. Claymore, a two-handed Highland sword. Cleckin, a brood. Cleed, to clothe. Cleek, to snatch. Cleekit, linked arms. Cleg, gadfly. Clink, a sharp stroke; jingle. Clink, money, coin. Clink, to chink. Clink, to rhyme. Clinkin, with a smart motion. Clinkum, clinkumbell, the beadle, the bellman. Clips, shears. Clish-ma-claver, gossip, taletelling; nonsense. Clockin-time, clucking- (i. e., hatching-) time. Cloot, the hoof. Clootie, cloots, hoofie, hoofs (a nickname of the Devil). Clour, a bump or swelling after a blow. Clout, a cloth, a patch. Clout, to patch. Clud, a cloud. Clunk, to make a hollow sound. Coble, a broad and flat boat. Cock, the mark (in curling). Cockie, dim. of cock (applied to an old man). Cocks, fellows, good fellows. Cod, a pillow. Coft, bought. Cog, a wooden drinking vessel, a porridge dish, a corn measure for horses. Coggie, dim. of cog, a little dish. Coil, Coila, Kyle (one of the ancient districts of Ayrshire). Collieshangie, a squabble. Cood, cud. Coof, v. cuif. Cookit, hid. Coor, cover. Cooser, a courser, a stallion. Coost (i. e., cast), looped, threw off, tossed, chucked. Cootie, a small pail. Cootie, leg-plumed. Corbies, ravens, crows. Core, corps. Corn mou, corn heap. Corn’t, fed with corn. Corse, corpse. Corss, cross. Cou’dna, couldna, couldn’t. Countra, country. Coup, to capsize. Couthie, couthy, loving, affable, cosy, comfortable. Cowe, to scare, to daunt. Cowe, to lop. Crack, tale; a chat; talk. Crack, to chat, to talk. Craft, croft. Craft-rig, croft-ridge. Craig, the throat. Craig, a crag. Craigie, dim. of craig, the throat. Craigy, craggy. Craik, the corn-crake, the land-rail. Crambo-clink, rhyme. Crambo-jingle, rhyming. Cran, the support for a pot or kettle. Crankous, fretful. Cranks, creakings. Cranreuch, hoar-frost. Crap, crop, top. Craw, crow. Creel, an osier basket. Creepie-chair, stool of repentance. Creeshie, greasy. Crocks, old ewes. Cronie, intimate friend. Crooded, cooed. Croods, coos. Croon, moan, low. Croon, to toll. Crooning, humming. Croose, crouse, cocksure, set, proud, cheerful. Crouchie, hunchbacked. Crousely, confidently. Crowdie, meal and cold water, meal and milk, porridge. Crowdie-time, porridge-time (i. e., breakfast-time). Crowlin, crawling. Crummie, a horned cow. Crummock, cummock, a cudgel, a crooked staff. Crump, crisp. Crunt, a blow. Cuddle, to fondle. Cuif, coof, a dolt, a ninny; a dastard. Cummock, v. crummock. Curch, a kerchief for the head. Curchie, a curtsy. Curler, one who plays at curling. Curmurring, commotion.
Curpin, the crupper of a horse. Curple, the crupper (i. e., buttocks). Cushat, the wood pigeon. Custock, the pith of the colewort. Cutes, feet, ankles. Cutty, short. Cutty-stools, stools of repentance.
Dad, daddie, father. Daez’t, dazed. Daffin, larking, fun. Daft, mad, foolish. Dails, planks. Daimen icker, an odd ear of corn. Dam, pent-up water, urine. Damie, dim. of dame. Dang, pret. of ding. Danton, v. daunton. Darena, dare not. Darg, labor, task, a day’s work. Darklins, in the dark. Daud, a large piece. Daud, to pelt. Daunder, saunter. Daunton, to daunt. Daur, dare. Daurna, dare not. Daur’t, dared. Daut, dawte, to fondle. Daviely, spiritless. Daw, to dawn. Dawds, lumps. Dawtingly, prettily, caressingly. Dead, death. Dead-sweer, extremely reluctant. Deave, to deafen. Deil, devil. Deil-haet, nothing (Devil have it). Deil-ma-care, Devil may care. Deleeret, delirious, mad. Delvin, digging. Dern’d, hid. Descrive, to describe. Deuk, duck. Devel, a stunning blow. Diddle, to move quickly. Dight, to wipe. Dight, winnowed, sifted. Din, dun, muddy of complexion. Ding, to beat, to surpass. Dink, trim. Dinna, do not. Dirl, to vibrate, to ring. Diz’n, dizzen, dozen. Dochter, daughter. Doited, muddled, doting; stupid, bewildered. Donsie, vicious, bad-tempered; restive; testy. Dool, wo, sorrow. Doolfu’, doleful, woful. Dorty, pettish. Douce, douse, sedate, sober, prudent. Douce, doucely, dousely, sedately, prudently. Doudl’d, dandled. Dought (pret. of dow), could. Douked, ducked. Doup, the bottom. Doup-skelper, bottom-smacker. Dour, doure, stubborn, obstinate; cutting. Dow, dowe, am (is or are) able, can. Dow, a dove. Dowf, dowff, dull. Dowie, drooping, mournful. Dowilie, drooping. Downa, can not. Downa-do (can not do), lack of power. Doylt, stupid, stupefied. Doytin, doddering. Dozen’d, torpid. Dozin, torpid. Draigl’t, draggled. Drant, prosing. Drap, drop. Draunting, tedious. Dree, endure, suffer. Dreigh, v. dreight.
Dribble, drizzle. Driddle, to toddle. Dreigh, tedious, dull. Droddum, the breech. Drone, part of the bagpipe. Droop-rumpl’t, short-rumped. Drouk, to wet, to drench. Droukit, wetted. Drouth, thirst. Drouthy, thirsty. Druken, drucken, drunken. Drumlie, muddy, turbid. Drummock, raw meal and cold water. Drunt, the huff. Dry, thirsty. Dub, puddle, slush. Duddie, ragged. Duddies, dim. of duds, rags. Duds, rags, clothes. Dung, v. dang. Dunted, throbbed, beat. Dunts, blows.
Durk, dirk. Dusht, pushed or thrown down violently. Dwalling, dwelling. Dwalt, dwelt. Dyke, a fence (of stone or turf), a wall. Dyvor, a bankrupt.
Ear’, early. Earn, eagle. Eastlin, eastern. E’e, eye. E’ebrie, eyebrow. Een, eyes. E’en, even. E’en, evening. E’enin’, evening. E’er, ever. Eerie, apprehensive; inspiring ghostly fear. Eild, eld. Eke, also. Elbuck, elbow. Eldritch, unearthly, haunted, fearsome. Elekit, elected. Ell (Scots), thirty-seven inches. Eller, elder. En’, end. Eneugh, enough. Enfauld, infold. Enow, enough. Erse, Gaelic. Ether-stane, adder-stone. Ettle, aim. Evermair, evermore. Ev’n down, downright, positive. Eydent, diligent.
Fa’, fall. Fa’, lot, portion. Fa’, to get; suit; claim. Faddom’d, fathomed. Fae, foe. Faem, foam. Faiket, let off, excused. Fain, fond, glad. Fainness, fondness. Fair fa’, good befall! welcome. Fairin., a present from a fair. Fallow, fellow. Fa’n, fallen. Fand, found. Far-aff, far-off. Farls, oat-cakes. Fash, annoyance. Fash, to trouble; worry. Fash’d, fash’t, bothered; irked. Fashious, troublesome. Fasten-e’en, Fasten’s Even (the evening before Lent). Faught, a fight. Fauld, the sheep-fold. Fauld, folded. Faulding, sheep-folding. Faun, fallen. Fause, false. Fause-house, hole in a cornstack. Faut, fault. Fautor, transgressor. Fawsont, seemly, well-doing; good-looking. Feat, spruce. Fecht, fight. Feck, the bulk, the most part. Feck, value, return. Fecket, waistcoat; sleeve waistcoat (used by farm-servants as both vest and jacket). Feckless, weak, pithless, feeble. Feckly, mostly. Feg, a fig. Fegs, faith! Feide, feud. Feint, v. fient. Feirrie, lusty. Fell, keen, cruel, dreadful, deadly; pungent. Fell, the cuticle under the skin. Felly, relentless. Fen’, a shift. Fen’, fend, to look after; to care for; keep off. Fenceless, defenseless. Ferlie, ferly, a wonder. Ferlie, to marvel. Fetches, catches, gurgles. Fetch’t, stopped suddenly. Fey, fated to death. Fidge, to fidget, to wriggle. Fidgin-fain, tingling-wild. Fiel, well. Fient, fiend, a petty oath. Fient a, not a, devil a. Fient haet, nothing (fiend have it). Fient haet o’, not one of. Fient-ma-care, the fiend may care (I don’t!). Fier, fiere, companion. Fier, sound, active. Fin’, to find. Fissle, tingle, fidget with delight. Fit, foot.
Fittie-lan’, the near horse of the hind-most pair in the plough. Flae, a flea. Flaffin, flapping. Flainin, flannen, flannel. Flang, flung. Flee, to fly. Fleech, wheedle. Fleesh, fleece. Fleg, scare, blow, jerk. Fleth’rin, flattering. Flewit, a sharp lash. Fley, to scare. Flichterin, fluttering. Flinders, shreds, broken pieces. Flinging, kicking out in dancing; capering. Flingin-tree, a piece of timber hung by way of partition between two horses in a stable; a flail. Fliskit, fretted, capered. Flit, to shift. Flittering, fluttering. Flyte, scold. Fock, focks, folk. Fodgel, dumpy. Foor, fared (i. e., went). Foorsday, Thursday. Forbears, forebears, forefathers. Forby, forbye, besides. Forfairn, worn out; forlorn. Forfoughten, exhausted. Forgather, to meet with. Forgie, to forgive. Forjesket, jaded. Forrit, forward. Fother, fodder. Fou, fow, full (i. e., drunk). Foughten, troubled. Foumart, a polecat. Foursome, a quartet. Fouth, fulness, abundance. Fow, v. fou. Fow, a bushel. Frae, from. Freath, to froth. Fremit, estranged, hostile. Fu’, full. Fu’-han’t, full-handed. Fud, a short tail (of a rabbit or hare). Fuff’t, puffed. Fur, furr, a furrow. Fur-ahin, the hindmost plough-horse in the furrow. Furder, success. Furder, to succeed. Furm, a wooden form. Fusionless, pithless, sapless, tasteless. Fyke, fret. Fyke, to fuss; fidget. Fyle, to defile, to foul.
Gab, the mouth. Gab, to talk. Gabs, talk. Gae, gave. Gae, to go. Gaed, went. Gaen, gone. Gaets, ways, manners. Gairs, gores. Gane, gone. Gang, to go. Gangrel, vagrant. Gar, to cause, to make, to compel. Garcock, the moorcock. Garten, garter. Gash, wise; self-complacent (implying prudence and prosperity); talkative. Gashing, talking, gabbing. Gat, got. Gate, way-road, manner. Gatty, enervated. Gaucie, v. Gawsie. Gaud, a. goad. Gaudsman, goadsman, driver of the plough-team. Gau’n, gavin. Gaun, going. Gaunted, gaped, yawned. Gawky, a foolish woman or lad. Gawky, foolish. Gawsie, buxom; jolly. Gaylies, gaily, rather. Gear, money, wealth; goods; stuff. Geck, to sport; toss the head. Ged, a pike. Gentles, gentry. Genty, trim and elegant. Geordie, dim. of George, a guinea. Get, issue, offspring, breed. Ghaist, ghost. Gie, to give. Gied, gave. Gien, given. Gif, if. Giftie, dim. of gift. Giglets, giggling youngsters or maids. Gillie, dim. of gill (glass of whiskey). Gilpey, young girl. Gimmer, a young ewe.
Gin, if, should, whether; by. Girdle, plate of metal for firing cakes, bannocks. Girn, to grin, to twist the face (but from pain or rage, not joy); gapes; snarls. Gizz, wig. Glaikit, foolish, thoughtless, giddy. Glaizie, glossy, shiny. Glaum’d, grasped. Gled, a hawk, a kite. Gleede, a glowing coal. Gleg, nimble, sharp, keen-witted. Gleg, smartly. Glieb, a portion of land. Glib-gabbet, smooth-tongued. Glint, sparkle. Gloamin, twilight; gloamin-shot, sunset. Glow’r, stare. Glunch, frown, growl. Goavin, looking dazedly; mooning. Gotten, got. Gowan, the wild, or mountain, daisy. Gowany, covered with wild daisies. Gowd, gold. Gowdie, the head. Gowff’d, struck, as in the game of golf. Gowk, the cuckoo, a dolt. Gowling, lamenting (as a dog in grief). Graff, a grave, a vault. Grain’d, groaned. Graip, a dung-fork. Graith, implements, gear; furniture; attire. Graithing, gearing, vestments. Grane, groan. Grannie, graunie, grandmother. Grape, grope. Grat, wept. Gree, the prize (degree). Gree, to agree. Greet, to weep. Groanin maut, groaning malt, brewed for a lying-in. Grozet, a gooseberry. Grumphie, the pig. Grun’, the ground. Gruntle, the face. Gruntle, dim. of grunt. Grunzie, growing. Grutten, wept. Gude, God. Guid, gude, good. Guid-e’en, good evening. Guid-father, father-in-law. Guid-man, husband. Guid-wife, mistress of the house. Guid-willie, hearty, full of good-will. Gullie, gully, a large knife. Gulravage, riotous play. Gumlie, muddy. Gumption, wisdom. Gusty, tasty. Gutcher, goodsire, grandfather.
Ha’, hall. Ha’ folk, the servants. Haddin, holding, inheritance. Hae, have. Haet, a thing. Haffet, hauffet, the temple, the side of the head. Haffets, side-locks. Hafflins, half, partly. Hag, a moss, a broken bog. Haggis, a special Scots pudding, made of sheep’s lungs, liver and heart, onions and oatmeal, boiled in a sheep’s stomach. Hain, to spare, to save. Hairst, har’st, harvest. Haith, faith (an oath). Haivers, v. havers. Hal’, hald, holding, possession. Hale, hail, the whole. Hale, health. Hale, hail, whole, healthy. Halesome, wholesome. Hallan, a partition wall, a porch, outer door. Halloween, All Saints’ Eve (31st of October). Hallowmas, All Saints’ Day (1st of November). Haly, holy. Hame, home. Han’, haun, hand. Han-darg, v. darg. Hand-wal’d, hand-picked (i. e., choicest). Hangie, hangman (nickname of the Devil). Hansel, the first gift; earnest. Hap, a wrap, a covering against cold. Hap, to shelter. Hap, to hop. Happer, hopper (of a mill). Hap-step-an’-lowp, hop-step-and-jump. Harkit, hearkened. Harn, coarse cloth. Hash, an oaf. Haslock woo, the wool on the neck of a sheep.
Haud, to hold, to keep. Hauf, half. Haughs, low-lying rich lands by a river. Haun, v. han’. Haurl, to trail. Hause, cuddle, embrace. Haveril, hav’rel, one who talks nonsense. Havers, nonsense. Havins, manners, conduct. Hawkie, a white-faced cow; a cow. Heal, v. hale. Healsome, v. halesome. Hecht, to promise; threaten. Heckle, a flax-comb. Heels-o’er-gowdie, v. gowdie. Heeze, to hoist. Heich, heigh, high. Hem-shin’d, crooked-shin’d. Herd, a herd-boy. Here awa, hereabout. Herry, to harry. Herryment, spoliation. Hersel, herself. Het, hot. Heugh, a hollow or pit; a crag, a steep bank. Heuk, a hook. Hilch, to hobble. Hiltie-skiltie, helter-skelter. Himsel, himself. Hiney, hinny, honey. Hing, to hang. Hirple, to move unevenly; to limp. Hissels, so many cattle as one person can attend (R. B.). Histie, bare. Hizzie, a hussy, a wench. Hoast, cough. Hoddin, the motion of a sage countryman riding on a cart-horse (R. B.). Hoddin-grey, coarse gray woolen. Hoggie, dim. of hog; a lamb. Hog-score, a line on the curling rink. Hog-shouther, a kind of horse-play by jostling with the shoulder; to jostle. Hoodie-craw, the hooded crow, the carrion crow. Hoodock, grasping, vulturish. Hooked, caught. Hool, the outer case, the sheath. Hoolie, softly. Hoord, hoard. Hoordet, hoarded. Horn, a horn spoon; a comb of horn. Hornie, the Devil. Host, v. hoast. Hotch’d, jerked. Houghmagandie, fornication. Houlet, v. howlet. Houpe, hope. Hove, swell. Howdie, howdy, a midwife. Howe, hollow. Howk, to dig. Howlet, the owl. Hoyse, a hoist. Hoy’t, urged (R. B.). Hoyte, to amble crazily (R. B.). Hughoc, dim. of Hugh. Hullions, slovens. Hunder, a hundred. Hunkers, hams. Hurcheon, the hedgehog. Hurchin, urchin. Hurdies, the loins, the crupper (R. B.) (i. e., the buttocks). Hurl, to trundle. Hushion, a footless stocking. Hyte, furious.
I’, in. Icker, an ear of corn. Ier-oe, a great-grandchild. Ilk, ilka, each, every. Ill o’t, bad at it. Ill-taen, ill-taken. Ill-thief, the Devil. Ill-willie, ill-natured, niggardly. Indentin, indenturing. Ingine, genius, ingenuity; wit. Ingle, the fire, the fireside. Ingle-cheek, fireside (properly the jamb of the fireplace). Ingle-lowe, ingle-low, flame of the fire. I’se, I shall, or will. Itsel’, itself. Ither, other, another.
Jad, a jade. Janwar, January. Jauk, to trifle, to dally. Jauner, gabber. Jauntie, dim. of jaunt. Jaup, splash. Jaw, talk, impudence. Jaw, to throw, to dash. Jeeg, to jog. Jillet, a jilt. Jimp, small, slender. Jimply, neatly.
Jimps, stays. Jink, the slip. Jink, to frisk, to sport, to dodge. Jinker, dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer. Jirkinet, bodice. Jirt, a jerk. Jiz, a wig. Jo, a sweetheart. Jocteleg, a clasp-knife. Jouk, to duck, to cover, to dodge. Jow, to jow, a verb which included both the swinging motion and pealing sound of a large bell (R. B.). Jumpet, jumpit, jumped. Jundie, to jostle. Jurr, a servant wench.
Kae, a jackdaw. Kail, kale, the colewort; cabbage; Scots’ broth. Kail-blade, the leaf of the colewort. Kail-gullie, a cabbage knife. Kail-runt, the stem of the colewort. Kail-whittle, a cabbage knife. Kail-yard, a kitchen garden. Kain, kane, rents in kind. Kame, a comb. Kebars, rafters. Kebbuck, a cheese; a kebbuck heel = the last crust of a cheese. Keckle, to cackle, to giggle. Keek, look, glance. Keekin-glass, the looking-glass. Keel, red chalk. Kelpies, river demons. Ken, to know. Kenna, know not. Kennin, a very little (merely as much as can be perceived). Kep, to catch. Ket, the fleece on a sheep’s body. Key, quay. Kiaugh, anxiety. Kilt, to tuck up. Kimmer, a wench, a gossip; a wife. Kin’, kind. King’s-hood, the 2d stomach in a ruminant (equivocal for the scrotum). Kintra, country. Kirk, church. Kirn, a churn. Kirn, harvest home. Kirsen, to christen. Kist, chest, counter. Kitchen, to relish. Kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle. Kittle, to tickle. Kittlin, kitten. Kiutlin, cuddling. Knaggie, knobby. Knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones. Knowe, knoll. Knurl, knurlin, dwarf. Kye, cows. Kytes, bellies. Kythe, to show.
Laddie, dim. of lad. Lade, a load. Lag, backward. Laggen, the bottom angle of a wooden dish. Laigh, low. Laik, lack. Lair, lore, learning. Laird, landowner. Lairing, sticking or sinking in moss or mud. Laith, loath. Laithfu’, loathful, sheepish. Lallan, lowland. Lallans, Scots Lowland vernacular. Lammie, dim. of lamb. Lan’, land. Lan’-afore, the foremost horse on the unplowed land side. Lan’-ahin, the hindmost horse on the unplowed land side. Lane, lone. Lang, long. Lang syne, long since, long ago. Lap, leapt. Lave, the rest. Laverock, lav’rock, the lark. Lawin, the reckoning. Lea, grass, untilled land. Lear, lore, learning. Leddy, lady. Lee-lang, live-long. Leesome, lawful. Leeze me on, dear is to me; blessings on; commend me to. Leister, a fish-spear. Len’, to lend. Leugh, laugh’d. Leuk, look. Ley-crap, lea-crop. Libbet, castrated.
Licks, a beating. Lien, lain. Lieve, lief. Lift, the sky. Lift, a load. Lightly, to disparage, to scorn. Lilt, to sing. Limmer, to jade; mistress. Lin, v. linn. Linn, a waterfall. Lint, flax. Lint-white, flax-colored. Lintwhite, the linnet. Lippen’d, trusted. Lippie, dim. of lip. Loan, a lane. Loanin, the private road leading to a farm. Lo’ed, loved. Lon’on, London. Loof (pl. looves), the palm of the hand. Loon, loun, lown, a fellow, a varlet. Loosome, lovable. Loot, let. Loove, love. Looves, v. loof. Losh, a minced oath. Lough, a pond, a lake. Loup, lowp, to leap. Low, lowe, a flame. Lowin, lowing, flaming, burning. Lown, v. loon. Lowp, v. loup. Lowse, louse, to untie, let loose. Lucky, a grandmother, an old woman; an ale wife. Lug, the ear. Lugget, having ears. Luggie, a porringer. Lum, the chimney. Lume, a loom. Lunardi, a balloon bonnet. Lunches, full portions. Lunt, a column of smoke or steam. Luntin, smoking. Luve, love. Lyart, gray in general; discolored by decay or old age. Lynin, lining.
Mae, more. Mailen, mailin, a farm. Mailie, Molly. Mair, more. Maist. most. Maist, almost. Mak, make. Mak o’, make o’, to pet, to fondle. Mall, Mally. Manteele, a mantle. Mark, merk, an old Scots coin (13 1–3d. sterling). Mashlum, of mixed meal. Maskin-pat, the teapot. Maukin, a hare. Maun, must. Maunna, mustn’t. Maut, malt. Mavis, the thrush. Mawin, mowing. Mawn, mown. Mawn, a large basket. Mear, a mare. Meikle, mickle, muckle, much, great. Melder, a grinding corn. Mell, to meddle. Melvie, to powder with meal-dust. Men’, mend. Mense, tact, discretion, politeness. Menseless, unmannerly. Merle, the blackbird. Merran, Marian. Mess John, Mass John, the parish priest, the minister. Messin, a cur, a mongrel. Midden, a dunghill. Midden-creels, manure-baskets. Midden dub, midden puddle. Midden-hole, a gutter at the bottom of the dunghill. Milking shiel, the milking shed. Mim, prim, affectedly meek. Mim-mou’d, prim-lipped. Min’, mind, remembrance. Mind, to remember, to bear in mind. Minnie, mother. Mirk, dark. Misca’, to miscall, to abuse. Mishanter, mishap. Mislear’d, mischievous, unmannerly. Mistak, mistake. Misteuk, mistook. Mither, mother. Mixtie-maxtie, confused. Monie, many. Mools, crumbling earth, grave. Moop, to nibble, to keep close company, to meddle. Mottie, dusty. Mou’, the mouth.
Moudieworts, moles. Muckle, v. meikle. Muslin-kail, beefless broth. Mutchkin, an English pint.
Scotts | English | Русский |
Na, nae, | no, not | не, нет (отрицание) |
Naething, naithing | nothing | ничто, ничего |
Naig | a nag | кляча, лошадь, лошадка, конь |
Nane | none | ничто, нисколько, никакой, ни один |
Nappy | ale, liquor | эль, пиво, хмель, напиток, питьё |
Natch | a notching implement; abuse | надрез, зарубка, насечка; брань, ругательства, оскорбление, плохое обращение |
Neebor, neibor | neighbor | сосед |
Needna | needn’t | не нуждаться |
Neist | next | следующий |
Neuk, newk | a nook, a corner | укромный уголок, прибежище, приют, угол |
New-ca’d | newly driven | |
Nick (Auld), Nickie-ben | a name of the Devil | Дьявол, Сатана |
Nick | to sever; to slit; to nail, to seize away. | |
Nick | to come near to | |
Nickie-ben | v. Nick | Дьявол, Сатана |
Nick-nackets | curiosities | |
Nicks | cuts, the rings on a cow’s horns | |
Nieve | the fist | кулак, рука, лапа; почерк |
Nieve-fu’ | fistful | горсть, пригоршня |
Niffer | exchange | обмен |
Nit | a nut | орех |
No | not | не |
Nocht | nothing | |
Norland | northern | северный |
Nowt, nowte | cattle | скот, скоты, крупный рогатый скот (коровы, быки) |
O’, of.
O’erword, the refrain; catchword.
Onie, any.
Or, ere, before.
Orra, extra.
O’t, of it.
Ought, aught.
Oughtlins, aughtlins, aught in the least; at all.
Ourie, shivering, drooping.
Outler, unhoused.
Owre, over, too.
Owsen, oxen.
Owthor, author.
Oxter’d, held up under the arms.
Pack an’ thick, confidential. Paidle, to paddle, to wade; to walk with a weak action. Paidle, nail-bag. Painch, the paunch. Paitrick, a partridge; used equivocally of a wanton girl. Pang, to cram. Parishen, the parish. Parritch, porridge. Parritch-pats, porridge-pots. Pat, pot. Pat, put. Pattle, pettle, a plow-staff. Paughty, haughty. Paukie, pauky, pawkie, artful, sly. Pechan, the stomach. Pechin, panting, blowing. Penny-fee, wage in money. Penny-wheep, small beer. Pettle, v. pattle. Philibeg, the Highlander’s kilt. Phraisin, flattering, wheedling. Phrase, to flatter, to wheedle. Pickle, a few, a little. Pint (Scots), three imperial pints. Pit, put. Placads, proclamations. Plack, four pennies (Scots). Plackless, penniless. Plaiden, coarse woolen cloth. Plaister, plaster. Plenish’d, stocked. Pleugh, plew, a plow. Pliskie, a trick. Pliver, a plover. Pock, a poke, a bag, a wallet. Poind, to seize, to distrain, to impound. Poortith, poverty. Pou, to pull. Pouch, pocket. Pouk, to poke. Poupit, pulpit. Pouse, a push. Poussie, a hare (also a cat). Pouther, powther, powder. Pouts, chicks. Pow, the poll, the head. Pownie, a pony. Pow’t, pulled. Pree’d, pried (proved), tasted. Preen, a pin. Prent, print. Prie, to taste. Prief, proof. Priggin, haggling. Primsie, dim. of prim, precise. Proveses, provosts. Pu’, to pull. Puddock-stools, toadstools, mushrooms. Puir, poor. Pun’, pund, pound.
Pursie, dim. of purse. Pussie, a hare. Pyet, a magpie. Pyke, to pick. Pyles, grains.
Quat, quit, quitted. Quean, a young woman, a lass. Queir, choir. Quey, a young cow. Quietlin-wise, quietly. Quo’, quod, quoth.
Rab, rob. Rade, rode. Raep, a rope. Ragweed, ragwort. Raibles, recites by rote. Rair, to roar. Rairin, roaring. Rair’t, roared. Raise, rase, rose. Raize, to excite, anger. Ramfeezl’d, exhausted. Ramgunshoch, surly. Ram-stam, headlong. Randie, lawless, obstreperous. Randie, randy, a scoundrel, a rascal. Rant, to rollick, to roister. Rants, merry meetings; rows. Rape, v. raep. Raploch, homespun. Rash, a rush. Rash-buss, a clump of rushes. Rashy, rushy. Rattan, rattoon, a rat. Ratton-key, the rat-quay. Raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy. Raught, reached. Raw, a row. Rax, to stretch, to extend. Ream, cream, foam. Ream, to cream, to foam. Reave, to rob. Rebute, rebuff. Red, advised, afraid. Red, rede, to advise, to counsel. Red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod. Red-wud, stark mad. Reek, smoke. Reekie, reeky, smoky. Reestit, scorched. Reestit, refused to go. Reif, theiving. Remead, remedy. Rickles, small stacks of corn in the fields. Rief, plunder. Rig, a ridge. Riggin, the roof-tree, the roof. Rigwoodie, lean. Rin, to run. Ripp, a handful of corn from the sheaf. Ripplin-kame, the wool or flax comb. Riskit, cracked. Rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst. Rock, a distaff. Rockin, a social meeting. Roon, round, shred. Roose, to praise, to flatter. Roose, reputation. Roosty, rusty. Rottan, a rat. Roun’, round. Roupet, exhausted in voice. Routh, v. rowth. Routhie, well-stocked. Row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap. Rowte, to low, to bellow. Rowth, plenty, a store. Rozet, resin. Run-deils, downright devils. Rung, a cudgel. Runkl’d, wrinkled. Runt, a cabbage or colewort stalk. Ryke, to reach.
Sab, to sob. Sae, so. Saft, soft. Sair, sore, hard, severe, strong. Sair, to serve. Sair, sairly, sorely. Sairie, sorrowful, sorry. Sall, shall. Sandy, Sannack, dim. of Alexander. Sark, a shirt. Saugh, the willow. Saul, soul. Saumont, sawmont, the salmon. Saunt, saint. Saut, salt. Saut-backets, v. backets. Saw, to sow. Sawney, v. sandy. Sax, six. Scar, to scare. Scar, v. scaur. Scathe, scaith, damage; v. skaith. Scaud, to scald.
Scaul, scold. Scauld, to scold. Scaur, afraid; apt to be scared. Scaur, a jutting rock or bank of earth. Scho, she. Scone, a soft flour cake. Sconner, disgust. Sconner, sicken. Scraichin, calling hoarsely. Screed, a rip, a rent. Screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle. Scriechin, screeching. Scriegh, skriegh, v. skriegh. Scrievin, careering. Scrimpit, scanty. Scroggie, scroggy, scrubby. Sculdudd’ry, bawdry. See’d, saw. Seisins, freehold possessions. Sel, sel’, sell, self. Sell’d, sell’t, sold. Semple, simple. Sen’, send. Set, to set off; to start. Set, sat. Sets, becomes. Shachl’d, shapeless. Shaird, shred, shard. Shanagan, a cleft stick. Shanna, shall not. Shaul, shallow. Shaver, a funny fellow. Shavie, trick. Shaw, a wood. Shaw, to show. Shearer, a reaper. Sheep-shank, a sheep’s trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a person of no small importance. Sheerly, wholly. Sheers, scissors. Sherra-moor, sheriffmuir. Sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter. Sheuk, shook. Shiel, a shed, cottage. Shill, shrill. Shog, a shake. Shool, a shovel. Shoon, shoes. Shore, to offer, to threaten. Short syne, a little while ago. Shouldna, should not. Shouther, showther, shoulder. Shure, shore (did shear). Sic, such. Siccan, such a. Sicker, steady, certain; sicker score = strict conditions. Sidelins, sideways. Siller, silver; money in general. Simmer, summer. Sin, son. Sin’, since. Sindry, sundry. Singet, singed, shriveled. Sinn, the sun. Sinny, sunny. Skaith, damage. Skeigh, skiegh, skittish. Skellum, a good-for-nothing. Skelp, a slap, a smack. Skelp, to spank; skelpin at it = driving at it. Skelpie-limmer’s-face, a technical term in female scolding (R. B.). Skelvy, shelvy. Skiegh, v. skeigh. Skinking, watery. Skinklin, glittering. Skirl, to cry or sound shrilly. Sklent, a slant, a turn. Sklent, to slant, to squint, to cheat. Skouth, scope. Skriech, a scream. Skriegh, to scream, to whinny. Skyrin, flaring. Skyte, squirt, lash. Slade, slid. Slae, the sloe. Slap, a breach in a fence; a gate. Slaw, slow. Slee, sly, ingenious. Sleekit, sleek, crafty. Slidd’ry, slippery. Sloken, to slake. Slypet, slipped. Sma’, small. Smeddum, a powder. Smeek, smoke. Smiddy, smithy. Smoor’d, smothered. Smoutie, smutty. Smytrie, a small collection; a litter. Snakin, sneering. Snap, smart. Snapper, to stumble. Snash, abuse. Snaw, snow. Snaw-broo, snow-brew (melted snow). Sned, to lop, to prune.
Sneeshin mill, a snuff-box. Snell, bitter, biting. Snick, a latch; snick-drawing = scheming; he weel a snick can draw = he is good at cheating. Snirtle, to snigger. Snoods, fillets worn by maids. Snool, to cringe, to snub. Snoove, to go slowly. Snowkit, snuffed. Sodger, soger, a soldier. Sonsie, sonsy, pleasant, good-natured, jolly. Soom, to swim. Soor, sour. Sough, v. sugh. Souk, suck. Soupe, sup, liquid. Souple, supple. Souter, cobbler. Sowens, porridge of oat flour. Sowps, sups. Sowth, to hum or whistle in a low tune. Sowther, to solder. Spae, to foretell. Spails, chips. Spairge, to splash; to spatter. Spak, spoke. Spates, floods. Spavie, the spavin. Spavit, spavined. Spean, to wean. Speat, a flood. Speel, to climb. Speer, spier, to ask. Speet, to spit. Spence, the parlor. Spier, v. speer. Spleuchan, pouch. Splore, a frolic; a carousal. Sprachl’d, clambered. Sprattle, scramble. Spreckled, speckled. Spring, a quick tune; a dance. Sprittie, full of roots or sprouts (a kind of rush). Sprush, spruce. Spunk, a match; a spark; fire, spirit. Spunkie, full of spirit. Spunkie, liquor, spirits. Spunkies, jack-o’-lanterns, will-o’-wisps. Spurtle-blade, the pot-stick. Squatter, to flap. Squattle, to squat; to settle. Stacher, to totter. Staggie, dim. of staig. Staig, a young horse. Stan’, stand. Stane, stone. Stan’t, stood. Stang, sting. Stank, a moat; a pond. Stap, to stop. Stapple, a stopper. Stark, strong. Starnies, dim. of starn, star. Starns, stars. Startle, to course. Staumrel, half-witted. Staw, a stall. Staw, to surfeit; to sicken. Staw, stole. Stechin, cramming. Steek, a stitch. Steek, to shut; to close. Steek, to shut; to touch, meddle with. Steeve, compact. Stell, a still. Sten, a leap; a spring. Sten’t, sprang. Stented, erected; set on high. Stents, assessments, dues. Steyest, steepest. Stibble, stubble. Stibble-rig, chief reaper. Stick-an-stowe, completely. Stilt, limp (with the aid of stilts). Stimpart, a quarter peck. Stirk, a young bullock. Stock, a plant of cabbage; colewort. Stoited, stumbled. Stoiter’d, staggered. Stoor, harsh, stern. Stoun’, pang, throb. Stoure, dust. Stourie, dusty. Stown, stolen. Stownlins, by stealth. Stoyte, to stagger. Strae death, death in bed. (i. e., on straw). Staik, to stroke. Strak, struck. Strang, strong. Straught, straight. Straught, to stretch. Streekit, stretched. Striddle, to straddle. Stron’t, lanted. Strunt, liquor. Strunt, to swagger.
Studdie, an anvil. Stumpie, dim. of stump; a worn quill. Sturt, worry, trouble. Sturt, to fret; to vex. Sturtin, frighted, staggered. Styme, the faintest trace. Sucker, sugar. Sud, should. Sugh, sough, sigh, moan, wail, swish. Sumph, churl. Sune, soon. Suthron, southern. Swaird, sward. Swall’d, swelled. Swank, limber. Swankies, strapping fellows. Swap, exchange. Swapped, swopped, exchanged. Swarf, to swoon. Swat, sweated. Swatch, sample. Swats, new ale. Sweer, v. dead-sweer. Swirl, curl. Swirlie, twisted, knaggy. Swith, haste; off and away. Swither, doubt, hesitation. Swoom, swim. Swoor, swore. Sybow, a young union. Syne, since, then.
Tack, possession, lease. Tacket, shoe-nail. Tae, to. Tae, toe. Tae’d, toed. Taed, toad. Taen, taken. Taet, small quantity. Tairge, to target. Tak, take. Tald, told. Tane, one in contrast to other. Tangs, tongs. Tap, top. Tapetless, senseless. Tapmost, topmost. Tappet-hen, a crested hen-shaped bottle holding three quarts of claret. Tap-pickle, the grain at the top of the stalk. Topsalteerie, topsy-turvy. Targe, to examine. Tarrow, to tarry; to be reluctant, to murmur; to weary. Tassie, a goblet. Tauk, talk. Tauld, told. Tawie, tractable. Tawpie, a foolish woman. Tawted, matted. Teats, small quantities. Teen, vexation. Tell’d, told. Temper-pin, a fiddle-peg; the regulating pin of the spinning-wheel. Tent, heed. Tent, to tend; to heed; to observe. Tentie, watchful, careful, heedful. Tentier, more watchful. Tentless, careless. Tester, an old silver coin about sixpence in value. Teugh, tough. Teuk, took. Thack, thatch; thack and rape = the covering of a house, and so, home necessities. Thae, those. Thairm, small guts; catgut (a fiddle-string). Theckit, thatched. Thegither, together. Thick, v. pack an’ thick. Thieveless, forbidding, spiteful. Thiggin, begging. Thir, these. Thirl’d, thrilled. Thole, to endure; to suffer. Thou’se, thou shalt. Thowe, thaw. Thowless, lazy, useless. Thrang, busy; thronging in crowds. Thrang, a throng. Thrapple, the windpipe. Thrave, twenty-four sheaves of corn. Thraw, a twist. Thraw, to twist; to turn; to thwart. Thraws, throes. Threap, maintain, argue. Threesome, trio. Thretteen, thirteen. Thretty, thirty. Thrissle, thistle. Thristed, thirsted. Through, mak to through = make good. Throu’ther (through other), pell-mell. Thummart, polecat. Thy lane, alone.
Tight, girt, prepared. Till, to. Till’t, to it. Timmer, timber, material. Tine, to lose; to be lost. Tinkler, tinker. Tint, lost Tippence, twopence. Tip, v. toop. Tirl, to strip. Tirl, to knock for entrance. Tither, the other. Tittlin, whispering. Tocher, dowry. Tocher, to give a dowry. Tocher-gude, marriage portion. Tod, the fox. To-fa’, the fall. Toom, empty. Toop, tup, ram. Toss, the toast. Toun, town; farm steading. Tousie, shaggy. Tout, blast. Tow, flax, a rope. Towmond, towmont, a twelvemonth. Towsing, rumpling (equivocal). Toyte, to totter. Tozie, flushed with drink. Trams, shafts. Transmogrify, change. Trashtrie, small trash. Trews, trousers. Trig, neat, trim. Trinklin, flowing. Trin’le, the wheel of a barrow. Trogger, packman. Troggin, wares. Troke, to barter. Trouse, trousers. Trowth, in truth. Trump, a jew’s harp. Tryste, a fair; a cattle-market. Trysted, appointed. Trysting, meeting. Tulyie, tulzie, a squabble; a tussle. Twa, two. Twafauld, twofold, double. Twal, twelve; the twal = twelve at night. Twalpennie worth, a penny worth (English money). Twang, twinge. Twa-three, two or three. Tway, two. Twin, twine, to rob; to deprive; bereave. Twistle, a twist; a sprain. Tyke, a dog. Tyne, v. tine. Tysday, Tuesday.
Ulzie, oil. Unchancy, dangerous. Unco, remarkably, uncommonly, excessively. Unco, remarkable, uncommon, terrible (sarcastic). Uncos, news, strange things, wonders. Unkend, unknown. Unsicker, uncertain. Unskaithed, unhurt. Usquabae, usquebae, whisky.
Vauntie, proud. Vera, very. Virls, rings. Vittle, victual, grain, food. Vogie, vain.
Wa’, waw, a wall. Wab, a web. Wabster, a weaver. Wad, to wager. Wad, to wed. Wad, would, would have. Wad’a, would have. Wadna, would not. Wadset, a mortgage. Wae, woful, sorrowful. Wae, wo; wae’s me = wo is to me. Waesucks, alas! Wae worth, wo befall. Wair, v. ware. Wale, to choose. Wale, choice. Walie, wawlie, choice, ample, large. Wallop, to kick; to dangle; to gallop; to dance. Waly fa’, ill befall! Wame, the belly. Wamefou, bellyful. Wan, won. Wanchancie, dangerous. Wanrestfu’, restless. Ware, wair, to spend; bestow. Ware, worn. Wark, work. Wark-lume, tool. Warl’, warld, world. Warlock, a wizard Warl’y, warldly, worldly.
Warran, warrant. Warse, worse. Warsle, warstle, wrestle. Wast, west. Wastrie, waste. Wat, wet. Wat, wot, know. Water-fit, water-foot (the river’s mouth). Water-kelpies, v. kelpies. Wauble, to wobble. Waught, a draft. Wauk, to awake. Wauken, to awaken. Waukin, awake. Waukit (with toil), horny. Waukrife, wakeful. Waulie, jolly. Waur, worse. Waur, to worst. Waur’t, worsted, beat. Wean (wee one), a child. Weanies, babies. Weason, weasand. Wecht, a measure for corn. Wee, a little; a wee = a short space or time. Wee things, children. Weel, well. Weel-faured, well-favored. Weel-gaun, well-going. Weel-hain’d, well-saved. Weepers, mournings (on the steeve or hat). Werena, were not. We’se, we shall. Westlin, western. Wha, who. Whaizle, wheeze. Whalpet, whelped. Wham, whom. Whan, when. Whang, a shive. Whang, flog. Whar, whare, where. Wha’s, whose. Wha’s, who is. Whase, whose. What for, whatfore, wherefore. Whatna, what. What reck, what matter; nevertheless. Whatt, whittled. Whaup, the curlew. Whaur, where. Wheep, v. penny-wheep. Wheep, jerk. Whid, a fib. Whiddin, scudding. Whids, gambols. Whigmeleeries, crotches. Whingin, whining. Whins, furze. Whirlygigums, flourishes. Whist, silence. Whissle, whistle. Whitter, a draft. Whittle, a knife. Wi’, with. Wick a bore, hit a curling-stone obliquely and send it through an opening. Wi’s, with his. Wi’t, with it. Widdifu’, gallows-worthy. Widdle, wriggle. Wiel, eddy. Wight, strong, stout. Wighter, more influential. Willcat, wildcat. Willyart, disordered. Wimple, to meander. Win, won. Winn, to winnow. Winna, will not. Winnin, winding. Winnock, window. Winnock-bunker, v. bunker. Win’t, did wind. Wintle, a somersault. Wintle, to stagger; to swing; to wriggle. Winze, a curse. Wiss, wish. Won, to dwell. Wonner, a wonder. Woo’, wool. Woodie, woody, a rope (originally of withes); a gallows rope. Woodies, twigs, withes. Wooer-babs, love-knots. Wordy, worthy. Worset, worsted. Worth, v. wae worth. Wraith, ghost. Wrang, wrong. Wud, wild, mad. Wumble, wimble. Wyliecoat, undervest. Wyte (weight), blame. Wyte, to blame; to reproach.
Yard, a garden; a stackyard. Yaud, an old mare.
Yealings, coevals. Yell, dry (milkless). Yerd, earth. Yerkit, jerked. Yerl, earl. Ye’se, ye shall. Yestreen, last night. Yett, a gate. Yeuk, to itch. Yill, ale. Yill-Caup, ale-stoup. Yird, yearth, earth. Yokin, yoking; a spell; a day’s work. Yon, yonder. ’Yont, beyond. Yowe, ewe. Yowie, dim. of ewe; a pet ewe. Yule, Christmas.
B BALING) balling, playing at
the ball.
Barkirtd) coated. Bauld) bold. Beft) threw, beat. Begeck) trick, disappoint.
Beil) home, or shelter. Binner) noise. BinsoniC) quarrelsome. Birl) push about. Birr) stand upright ; also
noise, force. Bierly big. Blue) pale. Blaize) blow. Backing) vomiting. Brtt) finely clad. Brain) angry. Brattling^ running tumul.
Browdind) was keen for. fighting match, beehive in the earth.
CALL ANT, young fellow. C am shack -k air) unlucky
concern. CantiC) chearful, merry.
- It may not be improper to remark, that in the Aberdeenshire dia-
lect tub is uniformly pronounced/"; as what, fat ; white,/ite, &e.
ChaftS) mouth, lower part
of the face. Chap) stroke. ClaisB) clothes. Clammy-houit) heavy blow. Clank) noise. Coupit) tumbled. Cuist) cast. Cunn, owe, give, pay.
DATING) dawning. Dawrd) push, or fling. Derf) stout.
Dossd-down) threw them- selves down, dull.
) sad, spiritless. Dreed) suffered. Drochlin) tottering. Droukit) drench'd
loose, weak.
uppermost. Einds* refreshment.
FAN TiT) fainted. Fat) what. * Fawt) fault. Feish y) brought ye. Feil) foolish. Fell-blate) right foolish. Fell) pretty much, not a little.
something strange.
Fether'd, flew. Plain , feather. Fleep, stupid fellow. Flirr, gnash. Fleyt, afraid. Forestam, forehead. Fou ' be, however it be. Fowth, plenty. Fricksome /raise, vain
Frumpish, ill humoured. Frush, frank, forward. Fudder, hurry. Fuilzie, get the better of. Fyke, shrugg. Fykes, troubles Fyte, white.
Gab, speak.
Gae, gave.
Gar, make, force.
Gardy, arm.
Gawsie, well-looking.
Gilpy, blockhead.
Girse, grass.
Glaiket, over fond, giddy.
Glawr'd, made slippery.
Glowr'd, looked wistfully.
Grunsie, sour fellow.
Gosses, dolts.
Gowf, blow.
Grain, groan.
Gullie, large knife.
Gyte, goat.
II AE and Heil, wealth and health.
Haffets, sides of the head. Harlan, trailing, bringing. Harnpans, sculls. Heels-o'er-goudie, heels
over head. Heft, dwelt.
Hempy, name of reproach. Herryt, beggard. Heez'd, raised up. Hinch, thigh. Huilie, slow. Hyrie, far.
IINCH, neat.
/ wat na /M, I know not
Ill-faurd, ugly. /// hadden ghaist, ill. man.
nered visitor.
KENZIES, fighting throng.
LAP, leaped. Lave, the rest. Lazcing, shot, tavern bill. Leit, gave a stroke, or ut. terance.
MAIN'D, moaned. Mank, fail. Maun, must. Mawt, malt. Mavstin^d lolls, heavy
clumsy fellows. Mem them, tha.uk them.
Mensless, without thought. Mell, fight. Mird, venture. Mishanter, misfortune. Mows, nae mows, not easy. Meen, moon.
Neiper, neighbour. Nitty, little knave.
ONKENT unknown. Orra, idle, spare. Ouk, week. Outing, abroad. Oys, grandchildren.
PAWKY, witty, good hu- moured.
Pensy blades, nice looking lads,
Prann, to hurt, or bruise.
Pree, taste.
Primpit, delicate.
QUEET, ancle.
RAIRD, roared. Raitght, reached. To Rate, to slander. Rax'd, reached. Reef, roof. Rebaghle, reproach. Red, combed. Red wud, stark mad. Rink, run about.
Reeze, to praise.
Reirfu rout, roaring noise.
SAIR, very much, sore.
Sauchin, soft.
Sawt, hot as with salt.
Scawt, scabbed.
Scib, stroke.
Scoup'd hame, went home.
Seil, blessing.
Sin, since.
Skaith, hurt, or loss.
Skance, view.
Skunner, be disgusted.
Skypel skate, ugly fellow.
Slee, sly.
Slip his wa, go his way.
Slype, coarse fellow.
Smeddum, cleverness.
Smeerless, simple.
Snack, fit for the purpose.
Snap, ready, clever.
Snype, smart blow.
Sowf, stroke.
Spawl, leg.
Squeeld squale'd.
Stalwart, strong, stout.
Steer my sturdy, trouble
my head. Stend, wide step. Stoit, stumbled. Stown, stolen. Strenzeed, sprained. Stryne, turn of mind. Swankies, clever lads. Sweir, slow, backward. Sioype, stroke. Syke, bog.
TED, toad, Tent) care. Thole, bear. Thrang, busy. Thra, twist. Thud, stroke. TVrr, uncover. Trypal, ill made fellow. Tuilzie, struggle. Tzceel, texture. Tytfd about, went slowly about.
Virr, force, fury.
W WALY FA, woe be to
Weel wyled wap, well cho.
sen stroke.
Weel beft, well beaten. Wham, a blow. What-raiks ! what do you
deserve ! Wow, an exclamation of
pleasure, or wonder. Wreath o"> snaw, drift, or
heap of snow. Wyte, fault.
YAP, forward. Yark, hard stroke. Yawfu, awful. Yird, earth. Yowjf'd, drave. Yowl, yell.