КЭ/Тибет: различия между версиями

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Строка 53:
==Ламаистская иерархия и светская администрация==
AtВо theглаве headламаистской ofиерархии theТибета lamaist hierarchyдалай-лама of Tibet are the dalai lama and theи ''panchпанчен-эрдэни-лама'en erdeni lama'';. theСлово word«лама» "lama" isиз derivedтибетского from Tibetan wordязыка, inв Chineseкитайском ''wu shangу-шан'', meaningчто "unsurpassed"значит «непревзойдённый». The dalai lama is a reДалай-embodimentлама of oneперевоплощение ofодного theиз disciplesучеников ofреформатора the reformer Tsong K'apaЦонкапы, andи atв theто sameже timeвремя anвоплощение incarnationбодхисаттвы of the Bodhisattwa AvalokiteçvaraАвалокитешвары; he livesон atживёт theв monasteryмонастыре PoПо-taта-laла atв LhasaЛхасе; hisего titleтитул is ''CheptsunЧепцун DjamtsДжамц'oо RinpochРинпоч'éе'' (VenerableПреподобный OceanОкеан TreasureСокровище). The ''panch'en erdeni lama'' lives at Tashilumbo. The supporters of the faith may receive the title of ''Nomên 'Hân'' (regent), or ''Dharmâ Râja''. Celibacy would render impossible the re-embodiment if the '''hut'ukht'u'', or saints were not chosen to represent the principles of the transmission of authority; these saints are known as the "Living Buddhas". The third lama in the hierarchy is the ''Cheptsun Dampa 'Hut'ukht'u'', Patriarch of the Khalkhas, living at Urga; the ''Ch'ahan Nomên 'Han'' is the descendant of a counsellor sent in the sixteenth century by the dalai lama to the chief of the Ordos; his residence is at Kuku-Khoto; the metropolitan lama, ''Ch'ang Kia 'Hut'ukht'u'', has his see at Dolonnor; the head of lamaist monasteries is called ''K'anpu'' (abbot). The secular administration of Tibet includes a council (''ka hia'') of four ministers (''kalon'' or ''kablon'') of the third rank of Chinese officials, elected as a rule by the Peking government, on presentation by the Chinese ''amban''; the treasury (''shang shang'') presided over by a kalon with three first-class councillors (''tsai peng''), and two second-class councillors (''shang chodba''); two controllers of the revenue (''yerts' angba''); two controllers of streets and roads (''hierbang''); two superintendents of police (''shediba''); two controllers of the stud (''tâpeng''); there are six military commanders (''taipêng''), with the fourth degree of Chinese rank, with twelve commanders of 200 men (''jupêng''), twenty-four ''kaipêng'', and 120 ''ting pêng''. Civil and military officials are designed under the general term ''fan muh''.